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Coat condition and thyroid

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Hello all,

    I thought I'd ask everyone here about supplements. About a month ago, our 8 y.o. girl dog Loki was diagnosed with low thyroid. Before she started the thyroid meds, our vet suggested we give her 3V-Caps, Pet Tabs and melatonin, all of which she took and which temporarily seemed to help her coat and shedding, but the underlying cause was low thyroid. Since being on the thryroid meds, Loki's coat is back to its wonderful lustrous black and white.

    Do you think we need to continue the other supplements, specifically the melatonin and 3V-Caps? I'd love to discontinue the 3V-caps, since they're the pills that cost the most. Not much, but hey, every little bit helps, right? It'll help pay for the teeth cleaning she's due for!

    Has anyone else kept their B on supplements while also using thyroid meds?

  • Hmmmm…. I don't know...I think I would consult with the vet about that. There may be something similar (I don't know what 3V is) that is less expensive....

    I've actually not heard of a vet starting a dog on something while waiting for the thyroxin to kick in (did I understand that right?).

  • I have found 3V caps on the internet for a pretty cheap price… I have used these, not for coat condition, but believe it or not... for lameness... I have a bitch with a torn ligiment in her foot... and these really do help along with other things....

  • @tanza:

    I have found 3V caps on the internet for a pretty cheap price… I have used these, not for coat condition, but believe it or not... for lameness... I have a bitch with a torn ligiment in her foot... and these really do help along with other things....

    What are they, Pat?

  • They are a Omega 3 cap…. but for whatever reason, they help with problems with bones/ligiments, etc... My Orthopod Vet (the one that operated on my Maggii as a puppy when she broke both bones in her front leg... and had to do a second surgery to re-open the growth plate... and she has never had another lame day since... she is 15 1/2 now... lol.... I love that man!) has used them for years... as a great supplement... While I have not used them for a while... I will try and find the details on them...

  • If you go to Omaha Vaccine site… and then seach for 3V caps you can find these... I am fairly sure it is the same thing that is being talked about... they are prettty cheap on here.... and I know from experience, buying from the Vet the price is "really" pushed up.....

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