PUPPIES! 17 days old
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 04:16 last edited by
is it possible to have the new owner prepay for a neuter? and then they could go to their new home after you've seen the recipt from the vet? not a fail-proof system, but maybe better than nothing???
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 04:22 last edited by
No because Im not spaying/neutering ALL 9 puppies. Thats the owners responsibility…Im not made of money. The Mom and the puppy im keeping will be spayed.
While I understand this was not a planned thing… it is your responsibility the make sure that the people that adopt these pups do not then go and breed them. Yes, costly..... not the owners responsibilty, but sadly yours
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 10:53 last edited by
You could charge a little more to cover the cost to make sure that these puppies do not contribute to pet over population by having puppies of their own.
im going to find a way to maybe get the people to pay more for them to cover the cost of their altering. Or find some way for a contract or something like that…maybe like charge them some kind of fee for a type of "deposit" and in order to get that back they have to provide proof they got the dog spayed/neutered. Because if I go and spay/neuter all 9 and say charge them $75 per puppy or something and no one wants to pay that much for a mixed breed Id be stuck with puppies no one wants. And if I go DOWN on the fee for them then Id REALLY be out quite a lot of money for sure. I want good homes obviously but I def. need a way to cover the altering of 9 puppies. 8 going to new homes and one that im keeping.
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 15:14 last edited by
I like the idea of charging them say $100 (I don't know what it costs to get spay/neuter down there, I know it is expensive here) and then once they have proof of that then you can give that deposit back.
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 19:55 last edited by
While I completely get the "not add to the overpopulation" argument but even responsible breeders dot spay and neuter puppies before leaving. Granted there's a contract and that's why I think a contact should be part of the puppy package I think it a little unfair to ask more of her to neuter all 9pups when not even a responsible breeder generally does this. Its just my opinion
wrote on 19 Jan 2012, 23:34 last edited by
Do you know of a reputable rescue-one that spays/neuters their young puppies that might be able to take your puppies? This is one option and perhaps you could give them a donation for taking them.
wrote on 21 Jan 2012, 19:26 last edited by
Many rescues will reimburse at least part of spay/neuter cost. That said, I paid the rescue where I got my Rio, $300 to adopt him (they reimburse about $100) so I really paid $200 for him, and he is a mix. An unknown mix. You know the pups parents and they are both desirable breeds! I think people looking for a puppy who have looked at some rescue sites, know h this is a common practice. Good Luck! They are so cute!!!
wrote on 22 Jan 2012, 03:02 last edited by
While I completely get the "not add to the overpopulation" argument but even responsible breeders dot spay and neuter puppies before leaving. Granted there's a contract and that's why I think a contact should be part of the puppy package I think it a little unfair to ask more of her to neuter all 9pups when not even a responsible breeder generally does this. Its just my opinion
I agree with Chealsie 508. Carefully screening homes, written contracts, and keeping in contact with the puppy buyers does wonders to keep pups from being indiscriminately bred. I won't do a pediatric spay/neuter and I advise others to wait until the pup has physically matured before the surgery is done.
wrote on 22 Jan 2012, 03:27 last edited by
Anubis's Mommy,
Please don't expect to put an ad in the paper or Craigslist and have them all gone the same weekend. You won't be able to properly screen homes and you can bet that most, if not all, of the pups will end up dumped somewhere down the road. If you haven't already, start advertsing in a variety of places. Screen every inquiry and get homes lined up. Be warned though that with the economy in the shape it is in, good homes for puppies are few and far between. Some of the pups may be with you for an extended period of time so it would be advisable to have a plan in case this happens. -
wrote on 22 Jan 2012, 16:14 last edited by
Any new pics? Very curious as to what the puppies are developing into…