Ayos results and pics
Because he received Excelent from all four judges all four days, best of breed, he is now:
Grand Dominican Champion C.A.G.C.D.
International Champion C.A.C.I.B.
Latin American Champion C.A.C.L.A.B.
Campeon QuisqueyanoHe got excellent reviews and commentaries from all judges:
Gerardo Heredia (mexico)
Lorenzo Roca F. (mexico)
Gabriel Valdez (colombia)
Marlene Mortera (puerto rico)
Miguel Casellas (puerto rico)
Joaquin Rosa (puerto rico),best of breed, He was however the only basenji.
In the group , which is group 5 there was fierce competition. There were 115 dogs in the show.. and in my opinion there were about 8 or 9 really outstanding dogs…. three of them where in my group:A beautiful Siberian Husky -----CMEX. PANAM. MC DE SANSEBARTOLUZ ANNA'S
Mc De Sansebartoluz Clifor X Mc Kenna's Bewitched
Breeder: San Sebartoluz
Owner" Jose Adolfo Morales CoteroA beautiful Ibizan Hound –---- C AM LAT AHRAM RONEGAR'S KISSED BY A ROSE
T9.205. 25- MAY-08 UNITED STATES
Breeder: Arthur Lewis, Hau Nguyen & Michelle Paulin-Brown
Owner: Mnegron, W Negron,L Arzuaga, J. Rosa & M PaulinAnd a Beautiful Pomeranian –--STARFIRE'S THE CUTTING EDGE
SPP-114-0001 24- MAY-2010 UNITED STATES
CH Starfire's Touch Me If You Dare X Starfire's Betty La Fea
Breeder: Jose A. Cabrera & Fabian Arienti
Owner: Anita SifresWe were never able to beat them, getting fourth in group three days and third in group , one day that the Ibizan hound was absent..
We are very happy with the results , however, and especially happy with our performance. I showed him the first to days and a handler from Puerto Rico showed him the other two days.
The best part however was my niece Valentina winning first place in the junior handler competition with Ayo, who his not the easiest dog for a little girl to start showing!! This was her first show. It was awesome… she did it better than me or the handler. Ayo just respects her, and as opposed to when he was with me he would stay posed, very calm..it was incredible. She stole the show, and got a standing ovation from the public......Here are a few pics of Ayo and me..
Here is Valentina
Congratulations to you, Ayo and Valentina.
I have to admit something, and please do not take this the wrong way, but for some reason, all this time reading your various posts - I never pictured you as a man, and a handsome one at that! :eek:
It was kind of shocking to find my minds eye was so very wrong!:)
Good luck at your next shows.
HAHAHAA…thats so funny,and Thank YOu... actually its happened to me too with some members of the forum. Its not clear from the name the gender and you assume one and then its weird when its actually different!!! I guess I should put my name underneath like some people do...
Congratulations, I too thought you were a woman:) Beautiful dog.
And another congrats. Honestly, I never thought about you being a man or woman, but I love that pic of you and Ayo in the shaking hands pose. And your niece is adorable with Ayo in her pristine white dress. Looks like everyone had fun.
Hi David,
Since I kind of opened a can of worms, so to speak, I thought I should expound a little. Speaking only for myself, I thought your posts reflected a person who is quite sensitive, perceptive and introspective of their community as well as the relationship between the community and the dogs that live there. You seemed willing to nurture and guide people about how to do the right things. No offense meant or intended to the men on this forum but these are qualities I normally associate with women, so I naturally assumed …..which we all know what that does. I was not disappointed to find there is a man with all of these terrific qualities, only surprised. :p
Take care and good luck with Ayo.
I have to admit something, and please do not take this the wrong way, but for some reason, all this time reading your various posts - I never pictured you as a man, and a handsome one at that! :eek:
I concur - you and Ayo make quite a striking pair! And many congratulations to you both (and your niece of course) - well done all of you!
Good luck at your next shows.
JAjajaja …..thanks everyone.... no I was just joking... no offense whatsoever, quite the contrary , I have great admiration for women in general, and i understood what you meant. I feel very flattered by all your comments.. thank you. Yes the show was lots of fun....and Valentina was incredible. Really it was like one of those movie moments where everyone starts cheering! It was really cool, because she really did amazing. She is a natural. so calm, she made Ayo pose still, which non of us had been able to do!!