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Preparing a Basenji for the Show ring

Breeder Talk
  • @Quercus:

    There are some really good books out there for beginners too. If you go to you can find a ton of books :)

    Thanks a bunch! ill check it out and see what i can find! :)

  • Thank you everyone for the great advice! I hope to hear from even more and on specifics. Its always fun to get knowledge from experienced showers. First hand education from them is always awesome to hear! Thanks again

  • @misspodhradsky:

    Second. I dont want the Cerf done for the show ring, i want it done for the pure reason of having health testing and know what my girls are when it comes to the test.

    Third. Thank you for clarifying how many i can enter. However i am curious, how come people will enter their downs in different classes then? Ex. Mia was entered into BOB and puppy class (which she won both of!!) so if you can only enter one, how was that possible? I am very curious as i dont understand. and yes of course. thank you

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

  • @tanza:

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

    Yes, you only enter the dog once. The only exceptions to that would be if you were entering the same dog in conformation and obedience, rally or agility at the same show…or if it was something like a specialty and you were entering the dog in sweeps, and regular classes, or brood bitch or something like that. Under NORMAL circumstances you only enter the dog in one class at each show.

  • I was wondering if the reason she was asking about CERF is because there might be a clinic at the dog show she is entered at. To the OP - is that the case - is there an eye clinic at your upcoming show?

  • @tanza:

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

    Mia is my newest addition. Africanadian Mia of AhrmahrNahr.

    Oh ok! I understand. Well i know there were at least 3 others in the ring. but i am not sure what the end total of basenjis came out to be. Sanda has been so kind and amazing and i thank her very much for the opportunity to co-own Mia with her. She is completing her Canadian Championship. So i am unsure of how many were entered but i knew of at least 3.

    The Cerf is at the dog show, hence why i was asking about it. I figured it would be smart to just do it there…if it is ok to do.

  • @Quercus:

    Yes, you only enter the dog once. The only exceptions to that would be if you were entering the same dog in conformation and obedience, rally or agility at the same show…or if it was something like a specialty and you were entering the dog in sweeps, and regular classes, or brood bitch or something like that. Under NORMAL circumstances you only enter the dog in one class at each show.

    Ok, thank you Andrea for clarifying that. I think i understand now :)

  • @renaultf1:

    I was wondering if the reason she was asking about CERF is because there might be a clinic at the dog show she is entered at. To the OP - is that the case - is there an eye clinic at your upcoming show?

    Thank you, YES! That is exactly why i was asking. In the show in october, they have a CERF Clinic there on Friday. I figured it would be smart to just get it done for both girls since we would be there anyways. However i didnt know if it was a good idea, hence why i asked if it would be smart to do. There isnt an age limit on Cerf is there..besides after 1? i believe?? Am i correct? thanks everyone

  • Only a good idea if it is "after" you show because they dilate the eyes.

    And if you co-own, that person should be your mentor? So you do have one.

  • No need to wait to the age of 1 to CERF. Responsible breeders routinely CERF eyes of pups before they go to their new homes. I also agree with Pat, you want to do it after you show since they put drops in the eyes to dilate them.

    I also think it is required they they be microchipped before they can CERF - seem to remember that last year when I went on my own (usually go with my kids breeders) to a CERF clinic. Wasn't a problem because all of mine are chipped, but I think some folks had issues because their dogs were not chipped. I know I had to have the AKC reg info as well.

    I'll pay more attention when I go to the eye clinic again in at the end of September.

  • Whitney, I think most of your questions have been addressed except a few.

    1. At an unbenched show, you don't have a designated area, you just arrive at your ring about 10 or 15 minutes before your scheduled time, get your armband from the steward and wait for them to call your class. You will want to stake out a place to wait and put your crates, grooming box, son (if he's along), while you wait for your time. Are you showing both dogs? That could be a problem for you if they both win their classes and have to go in together for Winners. You will need a backup handler available if that happens. They don't have to be experienced or 'properly' dressed even.

    2. Yes, someone can take pictures or video you while you're in the ring (obviously you can't do that yourself while you're showing, LOL!)

    3. We are always ridiculously overprepared, but you should bring: extra show lead and collar in case of breakage or Basenji munching through lead, bait, naturally, that you can break into small bits that won't get your pockets all yucky, water for the dogs and for you, baggies so you can pick up their poop, paper towels in case of crate accidents…maybe some baby wipes to wipe them down if they need it. Of course, you could bring cool coats for the dogs if it's hot or warm coats if it's cold, extra chair, a book in case you win Breed and have to hang out all day waiting for Group, ex-pens for the same reason (Optimism Rules!), snacks for you so you don't have to eat expensive dog show food, extra cash so you can visit the vendors for all those things you realize you just HAVE to have once you see them, etc, etc, etc

    Good luck, and have a great time!!


  • @tanza:

    Only a good idea if it is "after" you show because they dilate the eyes.

    And if you co-own, that person should be your mentor? So you do have one.

    Thank you. Well they are open 10am to 5 pm. So what if she shows after that? Do i just not get it done? And if they are the only two in the ring, would it matter? Also, How many dogs do you have to have in the ring to get a point?

    Well, She is kinda my mentor i guess in a way. We talk about everything and she helps me alot and explains many things for me! So i guess so! lol What is a mentor supposed to do anyways? Dont they need to be there in person to help me? Or just offer up advice and help?

  • @renaultf1:

    No need to wait to the age of 1 to CERF. Responsible breeders routinely CERF eyes of pups before they go to their new homes. I also agree with Pat, you want to do it after you show since they put drops in the eyes to dilate them.

    I also think it is required they they be microchipped before they can CERF - seem to remember that last year when I went on my own (usually go with my kids breeders) to a CERF clinic. Wasn't a problem because all of mine are chipped, but I think some folks had issues because their dogs were not chipped. I know I had to have the AKC reg info as well.

    I'll pay more attention when I go to the eye clinic again in at the end of September.

    Thank you! I didnt know that. I thought i read or heard somewhere that it was best to wait til 1 for accurate results. but thanks, now that i know i can do this, i will do that from now on.

    I have sophie microchipped already and Sanda said Mia is too. So i think we are ok there. Thanks for the info! Ill remember to do that too, have all the info. but yes, i have the microchip info as well. Does anyone know what kind of microchips you are supposed to use? I bought ISO but i believe it might be wrong for the USA people. Someone told me it was ISO for the rest of the world but USA uses something else.

    But thank you, i appreciate the input and help!

  • @Terry:

    Whitney, I think most of your questions have been addressed except a few.

    1. At an unbenched show, you don't have a designated area, you just arrive at your ring about 10 or 15 minutes before your scheduled time, get your armband from the steward and wait for them to call your class. You will want to stake out a place to wait and put your crates, grooming box, son (if he's along), while you wait for your time. Are you showing both dogs? That could be a problem for you if they both win their classes and have to go in together for Winners. You will need a backup handler available if that happens. They don't have to be experienced or 'properly' dressed even.

    2. Yes, someone can take pictures or video you while you're in the ring (obviously you can't do that yourself while you're showing, LOL!)

    3. We are always ridiculously overprepared, but you should bring: extra show lead and collar in case of breakage or Basenji munching through lead, bait, naturally, that you can break into small bits that won't get your pockets all yucky, water for the dogs and for you, baggies so you can pick up their poop, paper towels in case of crate accidents…maybe some baby wipes to wipe them down if they need it. Of course, you could bring cool coats for the dogs if it's hot or warm coats if it's cold, extra chair, a book in case you win Breed and have to hang out all day waiting for Group, ex-pens for the same reason (Optimism Rules!), snacks for you so you don't have to eat expensive dog show food, extra cash so you can visit the vendors for all those things you realize you just HAVE to have once you see them, etc, etc, etc

    Good luck, and have a great time!!


    Terry, let me first start off with a sincere Thank you! I appreciate the extra input on the questions that got missed.

    what is the difference between an unbenched show and a um …benched show?? ...thanks for the info, very interesting to learn and im glad you put it in simple terms. I am not showing both, I will probably be showing Mia and my friend will be showing Sophie for me. That way i dont have to worry about that if it does happen. I am smart to think ahead. ;) haha

    Yay for pictures! lol yes, i figured i cant do that but i was hoping my family would do it for me.

    THANK YOU!! I was very eager to figure out what to bring. Its always better to be over prepared than under! :) That was great to read, i feel even more prepared!!!!!!! :D :D :D ..i think it says X pens are not allowed at this show..for some reason. but ill bring everything else. Thanks so much for the help! I truely appreciate it all. Thanks everyone!!

  • At a benched show, like Westminster, the dogs are assigned a 'bench' area where they must remain during the entire show hours except when being pottied, shown or groomed. At an unbenched show, they only need to arrive before their ring time and they may leave after they're judged.
    Usually when they say no ex pens they mean at ringside or sometimes in the grooming area. But if you have a space away from the rings you can set up your own ex pen. I was just thinking that if you have a relatively early ring time and Groups are late in the day, it can get tedious for you and the dogs to have to be on lead or in their crates all day. Is it an indoor or outdoor show? Indoor shows are usually fussier about space because they have to cram everything into the buildings. Everything here is indoor - unless they put them under a permanent pole barn type set up, in which case you show on dirt - or mud, because all of them leak when it rains - if it ever rains again in Texas! Glad I don't show Poodles, not fun to waste hours of grooming to have them gait around in the dirt and ruin it as soon as you get in the ring. Basenjis just look pained and tiptoe through it.


  • Just thought, you could always get one of those "helmet cams" You'd look pretty silly, but you could video your dog yourself in the ring! LOL!!


  • One problem that I have ran into with my basenji is that she always seems to have fluid running down from hear tear ducts leaving her with a sad look.:( She also was rubbing her eyes a lot with her paws and seem to be blinking constantly. This happened especially during the spring time. I know that these dogs alerady have eye problems and I also wanted to prevent any long term damage this could be causing. I bought a couple of portable air filters from iaq source. and put them into the areas where I keep her. These seem to help a lot and give my dog a much better look. I would think healthy looking eyes would give you an advantage in a show. As a bonus they also seem to help out with my allergies as well. I hope this helps!:cool:

  • @dedrums:

    One problem that I have ran into with my basenji is that she always seems to have fluid running down from hear tear ducts leaving her with a sad look.:( She also was rubbing her eyes a lot with her paws and seem to be blinking constantly. This happened especially during the spring time. I know that these dogs alerady have eye problems and I also wanted to prevent any long term damage this could be causing. I bought a couple of portable air filters from iaq source. and put them into the areas where I keep her. These seem to help a lot and give my dog a much better look. I would think healthy looking eyes would give you an advantage in a show. As a bonus they also seem to help out with my allergies as well. I hope this helps!:cool:

    Has she been checked by a Ophth Vet for her eyes? This is not an eye problem common to this breed (watery/runny eyes).

  • @Terry:

    Just thought, you could always get one of those "helmet cams" You'd look pretty silly, but you could video your dog yourself in the ring! LOL!!


    L M F A O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Oh gosh, you are soooo funny! I could do that i suppose ;) LOL

  • @Terry:

    At a benched show, like Westminster, the dogs are assigned a 'bench' area where they must remain during the entire show hours except when being pottied, shown or groomed. At an unbenched show, they only need to arrive before their ring time and they may leave after they're judged.

    Thank you, i never knew about this.


    Usually when they say no ex pens they mean at ringside or sometimes in the grooming area. But if you have a space away from the rings you can set up your own ex pen. I was just thinking that if you have a relatively early ring time and Groups are late in the day, it can get tedious for you and the dogs to have to be on lead or in their crates all day.

    Ya, i dont think the dogs would enjoy being in a crate all day. Or being hauled around on a leash either all day. Ill see what their rules are.


    Is it an indoor or outdoor show? Indoor shows are usually fussier about space because they have to cram everything into the buildings. Everything here is indoor - unless they put them under a permanent pole barn type set up, in which case you show on dirt - or mud, because all of them leak when it rains - if it ever rains again in Texas! Glad I don't show Poodles, not fun to waste hours of grooming to have them gait around in the dirt and ruin it as soon as you get in the ring. Basenjis just look pained and tiptoe through it. Terry

    Ya, its an indoor show. I dont think there is ever an outdoor show here, or at least never in Sioux Falls. Its in the Fair Grounds buidling. pretty big building but im sure thats why they wont let expens then. oh yuk! I bet that would suck to run a poodle in mud! Ya, i bet the basenjis dont like it much either. "Mom, im getting my paws dirty!" makes a spoiled rotten "princess" teenager face lol

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