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Possible Pancreatitis?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions

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  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @Saving Thanks so much for the information! I am researching further and continuing with her rehab exercises as best I can. Glad you recovered from your spinal injuries.
  • Possible allergies?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    11 Posts
    Try switching to chicken or turkey based foods. Here's a link to an excellent evaluation of kibble brands: I would also be careful what you put on your hands before cuddling with your dog; lotions, essential oils, etc. can cause allergies in dogs
  • Fish Oil and Pancreatitis

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    5 Posts
    The food is the same and he just had a check up with blood work-Thyroid the same and so is the pill dosage. I will give him a bath and rub some cream in his coat. Thanks for the help
  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Interesting. If anyone else tries this, I would love to get some feedback. As I understand it, food sensitivities are hard to diagnose accurately. There's skin allergy testing, where a panel of fur is shaved off and different allergens are tested directly on the dog, which I was told often registers false positives. And there's something like VARL Liquid Gold Serum allergy testing, which still requires a blood draw. I guess they can test for food allergies as well, but again, I don't know how accurate that is. So I've been told that the best way to test for food allergies is still to try an elimination diet. It would be wonderful if there was a rigorous set of tests that could just tell you definitively what food your dog is allergic to! So if this test does it… cool. I'll definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing, Pat.
  • Possible seizures????

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    15 Posts
    I only just realized where you live, has he been tested for Valley Fever? Here are some of the symptoms of disseminated Valley Fever: ? lameness or swelling of limbs ? back or neck pain ? seizures and other manifestations of central nervous system swelling ? soft swellings under the skin that resemble abscesses ? swollen lymph nodes under the chin, in front of the shoulder blades, or behind the stifles ? non-healing skin ulcerations or draining tracts that ooze fluid ? eye inflammation with pain or cloudiness Here is a link to a full article on Valley Fever, I know there is at least one person on the forums that had a dog with disseminated Valley Fever.
  • URGENT ADVICE - Possible insect sting

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    52 Posts
    super they are better now. Sorry, I just have read it now. In case of any stings you can use raw onion. Cut it in half and put it on the sting for a while. It pulls the poison out of the wound. We here in our area have lots of adders around for this reason I bought a "snake-bite-kit" which is always in the car, just in case. If you think of any allergic reaction maybe to plants, check if you have any of the Ambrosia artemisiifolia in your direct area. They can cause massive allergic reactions and the seeds are used in bird food blends. Washing with Vinegar (preferably made out of apples) can help to stop the itching. Regards, Esther