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Innova's EVO coupon

Basenji Feeding
  • Hi guys,

    A customer at work shared this with me and so, in these difficult financial times, I thought I'd share it all with you.

    If you go to Natura's website, (Natura makes Innova, Evo, Karma Organic, Mother Nature…etc) and contact them here:

    they'll mail you a set of $5.00 off and $3.00 off a bag of their food. I did it for EVO as that's what Shango eats, but the coupon says valid for any Natura line.

    All I did was simply explain that I love the product so much and have seen such great results but was worried about being able to afford the food on a continuos basis. WALAH! There was a coupon in the mail the following week!

    Good luck!

  • Thank you, Andrew. How's Shango been? Still the adorable host at the shop?

  • Thanks, I just asked for Innova coupons!

  • @snorky998:

    Thank you, Andrew. How's Shango been? Still the adorable host at the shop?

    He's doing GREAT. He's still managing things at the bakery just fine though day after day he just glares up at me after a pup leaves the store- he wants another dog to play with so badly! LOL

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