Where's AJ next?
Are you in NC ? There is a small remainder of a mountain-top 60's theme park about The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's house is still there and can be rented. A very cool place, we followed the Yellow Brick Road and found the upside-down house some years ago. Of course I can't remember the name of the town!
Now why didn't Dorthy put a restraint on Toto? The house spinning around like that, very, very dangerous.
"We're not in Kansas are we Toto?"Nobarkus - You are hilarious!
Witch-i-ta where the Wicked Witch lives?
BTW - I've seen The Wizard of Oz every year since I was 5 years old - it gets better and better the older I get.
We will be there tomorrow to pick up a load. It's the only place in the US that boasts Dorothy's actual house.
I figured I'd given it away with just the one clue…
Y'all are a lot of fun!
"I'll get you my little pretty, and your little dog too". "Ah,ha,ha,ha"! :D
Well I know there is a replica of her house in Liberal…is that where you are?
Dan: You can always make me smile….
We have the state named: Kansas, but where will we be in Kansas?
(I decided to try it this way to make it more fun and open us up to possible visits.)
I gave my answer a few posts back that it started with a "W". ;)
It's been a very long time since I read The Wizard of Oz. Is Wichita where the story starts?
I googled "Dorothy's House Wichita" and nothing came up except ways to get to Liberal. That's where the house is that is advertised all over Kansas as THE Dorothy's House. From what I understand (and I have been wrong before…it could happen again) the house in Liberal is where they did some of the filming.
But I love the Witch-ita reference...:D
It's been a very long time since I read The Wizard of Oz. Is Wichita where the story starts?
I googled "Dorothy's House Wichita" and nothing came up except ways to get to Liberal. That's where the house is that is advertised all over Kansas as THE Dorothy's House. From what I understand (and I have been wrong before…it could happen again) the house in Liberal is where they did some of the filming.
But I love the Witch-ita reference...:D
I think Dorthy's house was just considered to be a farm house "out in the middle of nowhere".