It's hard to answer those questions as each dog and adoption takes a different amount of time. Before you apply for a dog from BRAT, you have to fill out a general application. Have you done that yet? Someone should contact you within 24 hours of filling out the first application. The first contact from BRAT will just be a welcome letter with lots of info in it. Once you have done that, you can apply for a dog. You can apply for a dog before you get a home visit, but a home visit must be complete before you can actually adopt a dog. The time it takes the coordinator to get back to you about a specific dog is going to differ. All the coordinators are volunteers who have "real" jobs, in addition to the work they do for BRAT. I would think you will hear back within 3 days, but thats just a guess. Not an answer of yes or no within three days, just a response to tell you they got your application and tell you the status of it. They pick the right family by reviewing all the applicants that applied for the dog, talking to the foster family, they might narrow it down and then ask the top 3 families questions to get a better idea. There are many things the coordinator can do to pick the right family. The timeline for the whole process cant be deteremined, as each dog will have a different number of applicants, and some coordinators are busier than other. I would guess it could take anywhere from a week to a month or so once you apply for a specific dog. but thats is just a guess. if you have any more questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help!!
And I think its great you are considering adopting from BRAT! I've had great experiences with them!!