My Little Pirate - aka Brando
He looks so adorable! I'm sorry for the mishap…Keep us posted on his progress...
Just wondering how Brando is doing. Hope all is well.
I was wondering about him too….let us know :)
Thanks Snorky & Andrea for asking about Brando. My time on the forum is fleeting these days as my hands are full - as you can imagine.
Anyway, Brando is doing really well. He's now into his 3rd week of recovery. He got a really good report on his last visit to the vet (last Wednesday) - his wound where the bone went thru the skin is completely healed and he has finished his full course of antibiotics so infection worries are significantly less. Because the wound has healed, he now only has to have his splint changed once per week, yay - also great because it was $50 each time - every little bit helps.
I'm still giving him a sedative to keep him quiet, but not quite as often. He did manage to unstuff his splint yesterday, so I restuffed it, retaped it and then put tea tree oil on it - he wouldn't look at me the rest of the day. :rolleyes:
He has another vet appointment tomorrow and then the following week has follow-up xrays. He's been coming to work with me since he broke his leg (my boss approved it) - he is the hit of the office and of downtown Portland. Lots of visitors to my office and while he is out on the street - he is quite the little love bug, so he is soaking up all the attention. :D:D
Here's his latest pic (sleeping in my office):
Good to hear that things are moving along. He looks so darned cute all layed up in cast and all..glad your boss approved of him coming with, makes it easier for you and him..
That picture is so sweet…with his little peg leg and all. Glad to hear he is healing well. How much fun that he is the hit of the town of Portland! Fingers crossed for continued progress...please keep us updated.
Brando sends thanks to everyone for their well wishes!
Another great vet appointment today - no sores at all under his splint/bandage, wound is completely healed, and he doesn't have to go back for 2 weeks (providing the new splint/bandage last that long). The next appointment will be the acid test - xrays - but the vet seems to think he is doing extremely well and would be surprised if we find any problem.
Yay, Brando - here he is right now in his new blue wrap. :)
Awesome news for Brando..he is stylin' in his new cast..;)
I'm loving the pictures. Also imaging what it'd be like with Kananga in the office. I think he'd end up sitting next to the Xerox most of the day. Anything making noise deserves attention.
I'm glad Brando is healing up well. Poor guy has to wait to do B-500s for awhile.
Yay, Brando - here he is right now in his new blue wrap.
Dashing! Love his wrinkles!!! Keep us posted when you can!
I have an update on Brando. :D:D:D:D
This past Tuesday he got his cast off (6.5 weeks):D:D. His break has healed well (no more surgery!!!) and the only visual reminder of his ordeal is a little hair loss on the back of his leg where the splint was and a sore on the front of his leg where the cast rubbed where his leg bends. The sore started about 6 days before his cast came off, so we were lucky that he went as long as he did - vet said it was mild to most that happen and pretty much unavoidable. He's walking fine, although after a little running last night he was a bit sore and limped a bit - so HE decided to take it easy and sit for a while.
Last night was the big night though - I got Brando and Ruby back together…YAY!!!! They had been separated since he broke his leg...usually Brando in the kitchen with someone and Ruby in the living room with someone - separated by a baby gate. At night Brando slept with me and Ruby was crated. There had been some serious tension between Ruby and Brando immediately following the injury - but about 2 weeks ago, the tension subsided. Ruby would come up to the baby gate and yodel to Brando so I could tell at least she was ready to have him back. He stopped growling at her and would put his face thru the gate, so I was pretty sure he was ready as well, but I wasn't doing it until his cast came off.
So last night, I had my brother walk Brando down our driveway and across the street from the house and I walked Ruby. They sniffed each other and then I took them for a walk down the street. About 1/4 mile from the house, they were rubbing up against each other...I forgot how cute they are together as a pair.
Since then, they've been off leash together in our dog pen - only briefly as the vet still wants only brief running from him for the next few weeks. Ruby has initiated play with him in the house and he was happy to join in...he stops when he doesn't feel up to it anymore. They've been on a couple more walks together and there is no tension at all. :D
The only eventful thing that happened was this morning around 2am. Brando sleeps on one side of me and Ruby on the other. Well, last night they were on opposite sides than they normally are. Ruby got up to have a drink of water and when she jumped back up on bed, she jumped up to her old side of the bed - on top of Brando who was sleeping :rolleyes: - I awoke to some serious growling as he was startled out of sleep. No worries though, Ruby just climbed over me and went to the other side of the bed. She probably did it on purpose knowing her! :rolleyes::D little pack is almost entirely back together again:D:D:D. Liyah is still on the road - another show this weekend and then she comes home the end of next week. Although, quite likely she'll come back in season or will go in shortly after she is back. Then I'll be back to running 2 packs - Brando is intact and I get the double fun of both Brando & Liyah being carriers :eek::rolleyes:!
It's great to hear he's doing better and your pack is almost back together again.
Good luck with Brando and Liyah when she comes in season, hopefully your house is set up to manage that. Sounds like it is based on past posts. Sounds like a risky situation with carriers.
Happy happy happy news. So glad taht Brando,the pirate, is finally doing better. Now he just needs to get strong and feisty again..
The house is definitely set up to handle it - as am I. My breeder isn't too worried, nor am I. Having seen how persistent boys can be to an in season girl, I've long had the plan figured out. Logistics are only slightly different to what I've been doing for the last 6.5 weeks, and the baby gates won't do, real doors will take their place.
Originally when I talked with my breeder about separating Ruby & Brando because of the leg break, we all agreed it would be good practice. And besides, who knows how long Ruby & Liyah will get along, so I've always had that plan - running 2 packs - I wouldn't have added a second girl without a plan of what to do if it didn't work out.
Hey, I'm living the dream…:eek::rolleyes::D
Happy happy happy news. So glad taht Brando,the pirate, is finally doing better. Now he just needs to get strong and feisty again..
Thanks! Although he sounded plenty feisty when Ruby jumped on top of him at 2am! :D:D:D
The house is definitely set up to handle it - as am I. My breeder isn't too worried, nor am I. Having seen how persistent boys can be to an in season girl, I've long had the plan figured out. Logistics are only slightly different to what I've been doing for the last 6.5 weeks, and the baby gates won't do, real doors will take their place.
Originally when I talked with my breeder about separating Ruby & Brando because of the leg break, we all agreed it would be good practice. And besides, who knows how long Ruby & Liyah will get along, so I've always had that plan - running 2 packs - I wouldn't have added a second girl without a plan of what to do if it didn't work out.
Hey, I'm living the dream…:eek::rolleyes::D
I wish I had your fore-thought for pack appropriate housing. :) Of course I didn't know I would be trying to build a pack when I bought my house. I guess I'll have to move to "live the dream". LOL.
Sounds like a risky situation with carriers.
See, this is what I don't get. I don't want ANY unplanned breeding happening at my house - ANY!, REGARDLESS of if they are clear or carrier. So to that end I need to be vigilant and have a plan. To me, ANY unplanned breeding is a risky situation. Maybe I'm naive, but I think if I were, I would have heard about it by now from my kids breeder.
Hey, I don't even want Ruby & Brando having safe sex at my house! :D
I guess I'll have to move to "live the dream". LOL.
Usually the saying "living the dream" means you're living the nightmare - it was meant facetiously. ;):D:D:D
Oh, don't worry, the pack was no where in the plan when when the house was built - but it is the perfect house for a pack or multiples…and we have 2.5 acres that can quite easily be divided into multiple dog areas! :D:D:D
All kidding aside though, I wouldn't build a pack that isn't appropriate for the house I'm in or that the breeder thought I couldn't handle, but I'm a planner. Which is why I started with a male/female combo to begin with. We've already talked about my adding another boy if/when Ruby & Liyah can't be together any longer.