I would also be caution when using an aversive. Dogs do not always make the connection that we intend them to make. If the puppy is often over excited when people come over and hits the scat mat when people are entering it may start associating visitors coming over with the uncomfortable sensation. When you have people coming and going try to make use of a barrier or leash to prevent the puppy from rushing the door to avoid negative associations with people coming and going.
VERY very good point!!! A leash or solid barrier (baby gate) is a much better barrier to have when welcoming guests.
For training for the scat mat or teaching the dog to avoid certain areas it's best to use with something that really should be avoided - like the garbage can - I got a boy that just didn't get it right away, and it took him quite awhile to realize that the Scat Mat and Trash can were things to avoid LOL. And he's a very vocally sensitive boy so even with it on low he'd screech out half the time he'd get the little zap. And it is really nothing more than a light static shock on low.
However… you still need to be very careful with open doors, scat mat or not.... since a Basenji is a sighthound and they chase what they see... just like with underground electric fences (which I would never use)... if there is something out there... no amount of pain will stop them running through it.... and if they do, what it does stop is them coming back the other way ..... since there is no good reason in their mind to run though the shock
Agree fully, one of my dogs will jump one scat mat but not two, so I lay two back to back. My other dog however when we come home is so excited coming out of the crate he shoots right over them once, then comes flying back over them again and then skids all around in the middle of the two dancing around trying to not get shocked; (neither one knows that their not even turned on any more LMAO)