Maverick and Aiden!!
Looks like they will be buddy's!!!
Great pics!!!
And euhmm… your (I don't know the right name) title in pink, at the bottom of your posts.... needs an update :D :D
OOOOh THANKS for pointing that out!! Im on it!
OOOoooohhh, I'm in puppy love!!!:rolleyes:
Both babies are adorable! Looking forward to even more pictures.
OMG, I just realized that Aiden looks very, very much like my son did at that age!!! That was a long, long time ago… 13yrs to be exact!!!:cool:
Glad you shared your photos with us.
You can see the love you have for your Aiden, and Maverick, he is just adorable. So glad you have another B, they are just the best, and I am sure they will get along fine, growing up together. I hope to have another by this time next year, I just love this breed. Good Luck, and more pics when you have the time.