We initially put Indy's crate in the TV room, thats where everyone was always going in our small apt. We kept treats in our pockets at all times, the good dried beef liver ones. And any time he sniffed at the crate, treat. Then after a while sniffing wasn't good enough, he would have to put two paws in, etc.
We never go in after him either, its his safe spot where he can go if he gets tired, needs a break, etc. We used to offer treats when he needed to come out now he just does.
At this point Indy is crated during the day and is left out at night, his crate is in the bedroom with us and he is allowed to sleep in bed as long as he is not a pain. But on days when we don't go to work and he does not spend any appreciable time in the crate he chooses to sleep in there.
Soo try lots of treats and patience. Thats all I can offer.
Oh and we got him a HUGE crate its big enough for a lab, and he has it all to him self. When he was smaller we used the divider but now we don't.
Also I would try putting a hand full of food in there with him just in case he gets munchy during the night. Not too much just a little bit, that way his crate is like a huge game of hide and go seek. Hide it under the blanket, where the toys are etc. Indy did this himself when we got him but it worked like a charm.