Heart murmur
supposedly he was registered when we got him (he was 1 year old).. ive got his certified pedigree from the AKC but you're right he is not on that website because i have looked before so i guess he wasn't. his Dam is on the OFFA website, CH Djakomba's Baby Blossom and his Sire is on the B Database but not on the OFFA website i dont think. i know hes passed on. Apex Ringleader of Djakomba.
Theres a number under his name on the certificate: HP16310901
i dont know if that means anything
That is his registration number/litter number that would have been assigned to him when Doris registered the litter. In order for it to be completed, each (what are called blue slips) for each pup with a number on it must be sent in to AKC, so I am guessing that she never completed the registration.
As a FYI on registration numbers, the "HP" with the first 6 numbers given are the same on a litter, the thing that ID's each pup is the last two, ie: 01, 02, 03 and they are given one number for each pup in the litter.
Doesn't look like she registered any of the pups from that litter. Too bad too, since it really messes up Sally's data base… I will let her know about your guy and she can put him on there.
Good news is that I know most of the dogs in both the sire and dam's pedigrees and have not heard of heart problems.
I just put that number in the AKC website and it says registration complete in jan 06:
Transaction Summary - Transaction # 20060116003002185
Transaction Status: Complete
Transaction Received: 16-JAN-2006
Amount Owed: .00
Document: Dog Registration
Reg Number: HP16310901Dog Name: Djakomba's Rocky Balboa
Sex: Male
Color: Red & White
Date Completed: 19-JAN-2006
Status: Completei dunno we didn't get him until June of 06 but he was born on June 10th 2005
I just put that number in the AKC website and it says registration complete in jan 06:
Transaction Summary - Transaction # 20060116003002185
Transaction Status: Complete
Transaction Received: 16-JAN-2006
Amount Owed: .00
Document: Dog Registration
Reg Number: HP16310901Dog Name: Djakomba's Rocky Balboa
Sex: Male
Color: Red & White
Date Completed: 19-JAN-2006
Status: Completei dunno we didn't get him until June of 06 but he was born on June 10th 2005
sorry, my error, but that is good that he was registered.. but I will send the info to Sally W to have her add to her database, didn't come up when I just used his name….
no we haven't done the test yet but i've heard of the cheek swab so i gotta look into it. I gotta get it for all three still. Maggie's got no written history and we don't know anything about her not even her exact birth date and shes around 4 so we should be getting hers done anyway.
and not a problem about the registration stuff, i had no idea anyway haha i have Mia's form that i never got around to sending so i have to do that too.
i haven't registered her yet so no. i actually just went and found her papers and am trying to figure out a good name.
If you give me her AKC litter number, date of birth, Sire and Dam's name and AKC numbers and the name you want to give her, I will pass that information on to Sally. Otherwise she will not get it….even after you register her.
I got Mia's registration done.. so pass it along please! :) i saw rocky on there the other day.. thank you :D
Reg. No. HP28310806
Birth 11/22/2007i just copied this from the CPP website since i registered the dogs the other day.. :)
I got Mia's registration done.. so pass it along please! :) i saw rocky on there the other day.. thank you :D
Reg. No. HP28310806
Birth 11/22/2007i just copied this from the CPP website since i registered the dogs the other day.. :)
Will do.. thanks
Should I worry ? At the vets the other day for DHPP and checking out odd little bumps on her back (was told they are like white heads ) also got told my girl has a vet minor murmur 1/6 , should I worry a lot ? The vet did say that they would just check on it every time she goes in so annually until she's about 7 or 8 yrs old , she's 1.5yrs now