Erby-de crabre mate!
Thanx for the tip. I am shure gonna read everything I can. It has been a while since I had a B and a refresher is a great ideal.The Gals came for a visit this last saturday and all went well just waiting to here from Balouski's foster moma. The gal that visited me is not a Basenji owner she has Borizi's she brought her huge male with her.He was a cool looking dog and was real friendly,she done this service at no charge.I am meeting some good people on top of getting Baloo.Cant wait to here when Baloo is coming home to me and my family!I am buying the chew toys and everything else he needs this week.
Mitt, you've been screened, then? Want a brother for Baloo? If we could figure out transport. Either of these sounds like a bit of a handful at first, but you sound like you're up for a challenge… -
I hear you - probably not a great idea to try to transport either of these guys that far anyway, in case a placement doesn't work. I'm just grasping at homes for them.
Can't wait to hear that Baloo made it home, and see pix!
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Balloo is starting the proccess to come to his forever home! We are all excited and cant wait.I will be putting out the monster basted cow leg bones, kong and knylabones. He will have his own spot for feedings and WILL have a run of the house and WILL sleep on my bed by my wife and I.Thanx to all the folks here and at BRAT for this success story.Tim and Rebecca Prodan.P.S. will post pics here to show off!!!!!!
Another Baloo update,Baloo is being flown in from D.C this friday .We are stoked! So we will be posting pics shortly.This is a Shinning example of people comming together to make a "B" happy and wanted.B.R.A.T has to be commended for thier efforts .Volenteers to board members have put in lots of hours to make sure Baloo was headed to his "FOREVER HOME". Barb McShea gets a special thanks for her diligence and persurverance over Baloo's placement.Thanx also goes to Sharron Hurlbut for getting me invoved with BRAT.I am going to be the Basenji guy here in northern Michigan.When a familiy needs a home visit for a Basenji adoption thru BRAT My wife and I will do the visit on behalf of BRAT. We are exited and are headed out to get all the comforts Baloo needs to make a smooth transistion. Thank you Everyone.TIM and Rebecca Prodan
Great! Can't wait to see pix of Baloo, and thank you for getting involved to help other B's as well. Sharron is an inspiration, isn't she?
Blush, laugh, thanks guys.
I love doing rescue and it wouldn't work without folks like yourselves.
Hugs and hugs.
Photos..we want photos!!! -
It took awhile and they are very thurough in their placements. But they have to be to make sure that Baloo got his Forever home.I feel that it is a good process,they take the time to let you in on all the particulars of the specific "B" that you may want.They also want to make sure you know what you are doing to.I feel less scurtiny would not be a good ideal.They truly want their placements to be solid .I respect that.
No problem Mitt!
With the last name like Hurlbut, you have a strong sense of humor.
My husband when through the Marine corp, as "throw ass"!
Yes, you say it hurlbut!
Sorry, this is WAY off topic. -
I just asked because my daughter is at college just over the border from the UP in WI and she often calls to say she needs a 'senji "fix". She volunteers at the local shelter but that doesn't seem to quench her thirst for the 'naughtiest of naughty' breeds. Thought I could hook you up with an experienced B. sitter.
Troll is an inside joke for Michiganders, right?
The forum has been a little weird and gnarly the last few days and I thought: "Troll? This guy has been putting us on? So where is Baloo?" Then I realized it's an MI term. Whew!
I am old, and just learning about trolls and such on the internet.
I didn't understand most of the new "words" re computers.
Glad Mitt is a nice troll… -
GHEESH! I did not mean to imply I was "TROLLING" this web sight.Troll is a term yuppers[people that live in the upper peninsula] call people that live in the lower part thus my online name{MITT} because the lower peninsula is shaped like a mitten.Then there is the "FUDGEIS" vacationers that visit northern Michigan.And there are countless fudge making shops in Mackinaw City.Yes all local venacular.