What worked for me was taking my Basenji for a short walk along the road that I live on every hour until she went. After just a couple of days it made a big difference and after that I increased it to 2 hourly, 3 hourly and so on. I think it worked because she became used to going outside and it felt less familiar going inside. Going outside and waiting for her to perform with her getting stressed, wanting to go back inside and not understanding what I was asking didn't get us anywhere and this was much quicker and long lasting. Now she goes for 2 decent walks per day (morning and night) and usually asks to go into the garden once in between (she is 18 months old). My Basenji was a puppy so if you decide to try this you may not want to start at hourly. The other benefit of this is that she doesn't tend to want to poo in the garden unless she has an upset stomach.
Dog pees and then wants to lick it up
It is pretty common for Basenjis to do this as lvoss and jazzysmom have noted…... doesn't have anything to do with being intact....
Very common behavior. I have had some that prefer to drink it "right from the faucet" of a male who is lifting his leg. Kind of gross but not harmful in any way.
Very common behavior. I have had some that prefer to drink it "right from the faucet" of a male who is lifting his leg. Kind of gross but not harmful in any way.
One more reason I am glad I'm not a dog. :p
Dakota used to do that all the time too.
Dallas does that all the time! I never know anymore when he pees in his crate except for his damp paws because he licks it all up. I always wondered why he did that…
Thanks for posting this Jason!
This is just part of their natural tendency towards neatness, I suspect.
On the other hand, big EWWWWW - squeamish people, stop now -
We have a poop eater - she will literally follow her running mate around when he goes…
Does this eating of stool cause any intestinal issues for the dog who dines?
if the stool passer has worms or some other 'icky bug' yes.
Ruby pooped in her crate once and then proceeded to eat it to "clean it up". The resulting vomit mixed with poop was something I'll never forget. :eek:
Yeiks! my husband says he will never go to dinner with my doggie friend because that is considered "dinner table" conversation.
He prefers to sit with the horrified listeners at the other tables…
Laugh -
Doesn't seem to… she's very healthy and active!