I ditto what Sharon says above.
It's all about YOUR attitude when you come in the door. When you walk in pretend you've been there all day (I know it's hard their faces are SO cute ) If he does attempt to jump to get your attention do a little hip swing to get him off & turn your back towards him. Take a step & keep turning until he gets it that you don't want the jumping.
As SOON as he's calm & sitting shower him with hugs & snuggles & if you have a treat that would be good too!
Repeat this scenario every chance you get…as a matter of fact if you have some time just practice going into the house a few times.
Teaching your dog to "wait" is a great tool (it prevents a lot of escapes). Put a leash on & walk over to the threshhold. Stop there...and say "wait" look down at him once he realizes you're not going anywhere he'll stand there & give you eye contact & you TREAT (a good treat not some plain 'ol cookie). Only treat him when he's standing still & gives you the eye contact even if it's for a second. Then do the release "OK Let's go!"
This also works when you're walking down the street & waiting to cross the street or waiting for another dog to pass by or maybe you just need to tie your shoe :eek:
Keep practicing & keep treating! He'll get it eventually.