I've also caught her with my cell phone a couple of times. Cell phones, computers….....who says this is a primitive breed!
And let's not forget that they all seem to love remote controls (ruby just recently started investigating mine)…so they are into digital tv as well :D.
I will tell you another funny about Ruby. She's not really interested in tv watching...once in a while if a dog barks she'll look for a minute, but usually runs to the window instead of the tv. However, if I have a Formula 1 (F1 - hence my member id - renaultf1 - my favourite team) race on, she will actually put herself in the middle of the room in front of the tv and sit and watch and you'll see her head and eyes move following the cars. Cracks my father up - he always says, "look, she's actually watching the race". Granted, she won't watch it for the whole 2 hours (no self respecting basenji would sit still for that long!), but I've seen her do it for about a half hour...pretty funny :D.
So...Ruby is VERY tech savvy as Formula One is all about technology!
And let's not forget that they all seem to love remote controls (ruby just recently started investigating mine)…so they are into digital tv as well :D.
I will tell you another funny about Ruby. She's not really interested in tv watching...once in a while if a dog barks she'll look for a minute, but usually runs to the window instead of the tv. However, if I have a Formula 1 (F1 - hence my member id - renaultf1 - my favourite team) race on, she will actually put herself in the middle of the room in front of the tv and sit and watch and you'll see her head and eyes move following the cars. Cracks my father up - he always says, "look, she's actually watching the race". Granted, she won't watch it for the whole 2 hours (no self respecting basenji would sit still for that long!), but I've seen her do it for about a half hour...pretty funny :D.
So...Ruby is VERY tech savvy as Formula One is all about technology!
This has nothing to do with B's but what did you think about Kimi R. winning the championship? That last race was crazy. Poor Hamilton.
This has nothing to do with B's but what did you think about Kimi R. winning the championship? That last race was crazy. Poor Hamilton.
I LOVED it!!! I did not want either McLaren driver (and it pains me greatly to say not even Alonso) to win the championship considering they cheated. Never ever thought I'd have been rooting for a Ferrari, but I've always loved Kimi so I was very happy it was him & not Massa. I CANNOT STAND Hamilton…so I loved that he lost and that McLaren didn't get the drivers or the constructors championship (there is justice after all!).
IMHO, McLaren management are a bunch of flaming idiots...all Hamilton had to do was stay behind Alonso and he would have won the race & the championship. If they were decent managers, they would have instructed their driver to do so...but no, the let them race. I actually laughed when Hamilton went off...that was perfect. And I hate McLaren in general for the way they've treated Alonso. They should have used the year as a learning year for Hamilton and done more to support (including controlling their rookie - referring to the Hungary war Hamilton started) Alonso's effort to give them a world championship (did you know that Alonso has had to give Hamilton his car set up data all year about getting a leg up). I seriously hope Alonso doesn't drive for them next year.
Oops...that turned into a rant :D...
I didn't know that about Hamilton. My boyfriend was wanting Hamilton to win since he was a rookie and also he would have been the first Af. American to win. I was not impressed at ALL with the way McLaren treated Alonso and I think by loosing the constructors championship the did get it in the end.
I liked Kimi. I felt like he was always brushed off since he was so soft spoken.
But I like Alonso as well. It took guts to rat our McLaren, even if they were treating him like crap. I didn't think Massa had enough points to win. And although I am pretty sure it is not allowed, I loved seeing Massa helping Kimi out.I will have to be honest, I only watch sporatically but the drama was almost as good as a reality show. My boyfriend is obsessed and has dragged me into it. It is a shame it is not bigger in the states than it is. I really don't get the excitement with Nascar since they can't even turn right :D
The drama is definitely good in F1…and this year it was outstanding. Trust me, I'm more than obsessed about F1...I've only missed one USGP (that is gone for next year though), and have been going to the Canadian GP for the last 6 years (oh and go to the Indy 500 for the past 5 years as well). Oh, and I'm the only woman in our group on all 3 trips :D.
A friend of mine is turning 50 this year and wants to rent a villa somewhere and take a bunch of us over to Europe...I'm hoping she does it around a GP I'd like to see :D...I've suggested dates that would get me to either Imola or Monza :D, but my friend just rolls her eyes.
I DVR'd all the races this year, so that during the winter when there isn't any racing on, I can watch them again. Yeah, I'm obsessed.
And regarding NASCAR, the only reason I even check it out now, is because Juan Pablo Montoya (ex-F1) is over there...but I've never made it thru a whole race w/out falling asleep (circles are boring!) :D.
Funny...I feel the same way about open wheel racing...but L-O-V-E NASCAR. I had never even seen a race on TV until I met my DH. He has been a Rusty Wallace fan since the late eighties. When I first found out he liked NASCAR (we had been married for a year, he was hiding it!) I was like 'no way...what could be interesting about cars driving around in circles fast?'...BORING! Then after he got me to watch a few races, I really liked it, and when I found my own driver, I really got into it. He even convinced me to go to some races...we have been to the Busch series in Michigan twice, and the two Cup series races, Charlotte last fall, and Martinsville just a couple weeks ago.
He likes to watch open wheel racing...but I just can't get into it. It makes me laugh when they so 'uh,' when the cars ALMOST touch each other ;)