Hydrocortizone spray for itching?
wrote on 23 Jan 2007, 21:13 last edited by
Lately Tobias is having a problem with itching and a little dander. Is this because of cold, dry weather? Is it o.k. to give him extra virgin olive oil on his food? He seems to be very sensitive to any alterations in his diet. I have been spraying his most itchy spots with a little hydrocortizone spray. Does anyone have any other ideas? Please let me know if you do.
wrote on 23 Jan 2007, 21:17 last edited by
I know there's a thread about skin issues…I'm not sure I would spray where they could lick it...My B has a sensitive tummy too. Good luck helping him out!
wrote on 23 Jan 2007, 21:19 last edited by
Have you had a thyroid panel done? Coat and skin problems can be caused by hypothyroidism.
You can add Olive Oil to his food to help his coat if the cause is just the dry winter weather.
wrote on 24 Jan 2007, 01:53 last edited by
Lately Tobias is having a problem with itching and a little dander. Is this because of cold, dry weather? Is it o.k. to give him extra virgin olive oil on his food? He seems to be very sensitive to any alterations in his diet. I have been spraying his most itchy spots with a little hydrocortizone spray. Does anyone have any other ideas? Please let me know if you do.
My Max would sometimes get excema which sounds a lot like this. Lots of white flaky skin coming off his coat. My vet diagnosed it one time, so I kind of new what to look for. I used a special shampoo from the vet for it which cleared it right up. If I ever had to spray anything on him or use cream or lotion for anything, I would have to put him in his e-collar because he had a sensitive stomach.
wrote on 24 Jan 2007, 03:49 last edited by
Cali used to itch a lot when I got her last summer. I took her to the vet and found out that she had allergies. We live in a wooded area and she would itch anytime she would come in contact with some of the greenery. The vet gave me a special bath oil that I rinse her with after she is bathed and it works really great. She also told me to give her one benadryl tablet 2 times a day if her itching gets really severe. Her itching is not as bad as it used to be and I only give her Benadryl if I notice her scratching herself more than normal. I keep Benadryl on hand because I also have really bad allergies. Benadryl knocks me out, but it does not affect her in any way shape or form:)
wrote on 25 Jan 2007, 19:41 last edited by
My basenji/whippet mix scratches alot too. I give her a children's benadryl (hidden in peanut butter) daily. It seems to help. She had an allergic reaction to something the Thursday before Christmas. We went to the vet on that Friday and got a steroid shot and pills. It rash cleared up overnight and hasn't returned. We still don't know what she is allergic too. The vet did suggest the benadryl and I would rather do that daily and hopefully not have to give her anymore steroids.
wrote on 25 Jan 2007, 19:53 last edited by
My basenji/whippet mix scratches alot too. I give her a children's benadryl (hidden in peanut butter) daily. It seems to help. She had an allergic reaction to something the Thursday before Christmas. We went to the vet on that Friday and got a steroid shot and pills. It rash cleared up overnight and hasn't returned. We still don't know what she is allergic too. The vet did suggest the benadryl and I would rather do that daily and hopefully not have to give her anymore steroids.
Food allergy perhaps? We had that problem with one and it was anything with wheat flour in it. Little skin rashes or hot spots.
I guess it could be any number of things.