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Puppy Ear Build-up?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Within the past couple weeks, I've noticed my 12 week-old puppy has some build-up in his ears. I am used to constantly cleaning my shepherd's ears since they are so prone to allergies, so it's tough for me to tell what's just normal dirt/wax build-up, and what's something more concerning like a yeast infection or mites. He isn't itching them at all, and our two cats also are not having any ear problems, so I don't think it's mites. The wax/dirt is dark brown and pretty easy to clean out with Q-tips/Kleenex and ear cleaner. Is this just a Basenji thing since their ears are so upright?

  • It is not a typical problem with Basenjis that they have ear issues... Is this something you have discussed with the breeder? In 30+ years of raising Basenjis I have never had ear issues. This In My Opinion is NOT a Basenji issue being a long time breeder and owner. That said, what are you feeding? It could be a food allergy... but if not itching.. then I would discount that.

  • @tanza Okay, good to know! I talked to the breeder who agreed that this is not common and suggested mites or a yeast infection. I'm going to take him to the vet this weekend to be on the safe side, I just found it odd that they aren't itchy or painful and wondered if anyone had experienced something similar. He's on UnKibble which he's done great with!

  • doodle has a waxy buildup during the spring (high pollen) season. I just clean it away with a cotton ball moistened with tap water. I've never noticed it any other time of the year.

  • Agree wholeheartedly with @tanza. I have never known anything happen to ears in 40 years of breeding and owning a pack of Basenjis. You are right to be on the safe side and take the pup to the Vet !

  • @elbrant That's good to know! We are in Kansas where pollen and allergies are rampant lol, I am wondering more if that's what it is since the build-up isn't increasing very quickly at all. Seems to be worse after we spend a while outside.

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    @DebraDownSouth: While others here post both husband and wife, they are individual and self-sufficient enough to post in the name of the person who is posting. "We" is a way I suspect to avoid either claiming responsibility. How about putting who is typing? Second, that you failed to grasp a basic is very sad but I'll make it easy for you. (Really, being honest you KNEW why but it was what you could find to try to make a fight)…. I said I have vets as friends to counteract the nonsense that I am attacking vets. Oh wait, I actually said that. Please quit trying to twist things for engagement. So not worth it. In fact, I am going to demonstrate my own advice and ignore trolling posts hence forth. How silly for me to respond when no one else misunderstood and only one person pretended to. Debra, we will never allow anyone to dictate to us how we should post on any forum. In addition, we will not bullied into anything by a comment or statement that someone else makes. We are not of high school age and we don't care for the drama associated with that type of behavior. You are welcome to suspect or make any type of assumption you wish that makes you comfortable. The context of the statement you made is an attempt at pure manipulation. The facts are that this is an internet forum. Like any Internet forum or blog a person or persons have the right to an expectation of privacy. If they wish to disclose information about themselves then it is their choice only. In our view no one has the right to demand anything different. We comprehend the majority of what is posted on this forum. We have no problem asking questions when we don't. We find your sentence that starts with " Second….." is written in a nonsensical way. We think you might have left out a word or two. As far as we understand, adults having intelligent discussion on an internet forum are not looking for a fight. We find it unfortunate that you have that perception. If you feel the need to justify your decisions and behavior, we do not think anyone is stopping you. Now that this is over maybe the discussion can get back on track.
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    Yes, she's a wonderful lady. Always very helpful, and quick to reply to any concerns I have. If I thought it was an immediate problem I would have contacted her right away, but it sounds like a common phenomenon. Glad to have community feedback.
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    @tanza: Could also be a reaction to some kind of bite… here is another thought... when did he have he last round of shots? But in the end, I think I would take a trip to the Vet... could just be a little ear infection going on... they can and do get yeast infections in the ears.. and I have found that puppies for what ever reason get dirty ears... and slight infections. Kobey had one when he was about 4/5 months old... His second round of puppy shots he got on the 7th of this month. His next round isn't until the 6th of March. I am going to call the vet this afternoon & ask them if we should bring him in. His ears do get really dirty with wax buildup. I have actually used a q-tip (he's gotten a little better) & cleaned them almost every other day in the past week because everytime I look down there I see some buildup. Maybe that itself is another sign that something more is wrong. I will check his paws & rear tonight for any signs of an allergy but I examined him a lot last night (after noticing his ears) & didn't see anything else out of the ordinary.