Your B's Favorite Toy!!??
wrote on 18 Jul 2007, 03:59 last edited by
wrote on 18 Jul 2007, 19:37 last edited by
One of ours really loved these little police cars that had the electric siren inside. He kept tearing them up and we would buy more. One day we could not find them anywhere and the pet store said they were discontinued, so my wife ordered 10 from the internet. Luckily he has scaled back on tearing them up as he has gotten older so we still have 6 or so left.
wrote on 18 Jul 2007, 19:50 last edited by
wrote on 18 Jul 2007, 21:55 last edited by
Great Pics, LOL!! I like the motion one like Jacks, good camera skills!
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 13:43 last edited by
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 13:51 last edited by
great looking animal, nice shot!
wrote on 19 Jul 2007, 17:07 last edited by
wow great pic with the tennis ball wow!
wrote on 30 Jul 2007, 21:58 last edited by
**HERE is another picture of Jack and HIS rope…
AND a Funny one of Jack and my Hubby Playing Tug-o-War (rope is clean i promise)
And then yet ANOTHER Jack and his rope picture…he's saying "YEA?! This is MINE!!"
And LASTLY, here is where Jack puts his rope when he is done playing with it, LOL its funny he sets it on his back EVERY time…odd huh?**
wrote on 30 Jul 2007, 23:04 last edited by
holy cow, he is the cutest basenji is the world! oh those eyes!