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Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !

Behavioral Issues
  • @zande My Dog ate EVERYTHING! She chewed on the telephone line while I was talking! It was then I understood that you have to Basenji Proof your home as you would for a toddler! Since she enjoyed climbing Trees at the Horse Farm, one day she climbed too high and was afraid to get down. Not wanting to call the Fire Department to get my DOG out of a Tree I got a huge Draft Horse Blanket and we held it until she got really anxious and jumped off and landed unharmed. She never climbed that particular tree again.

    I figured the best way for her to be a good Canine/Lupine Citizen was for her to Pack with older Dogs. It is very stress-free for the Dog and its Steward. If she did something I did not like, I ignored her. These Dogs are such Pack animals and You being the Alpha ignoring them upsets them. I never raised my voice for all of the years I had her and I found that the next time I get a Basenji I will train it the same way.

    I made up this list of Tiggy Omnimedia as the Antidote to Martha Stewart. Things liked 'Chewed CDs make great Coasters', 'Bikini to thong conversion in 10 Minutes' and my fave was 'You did NOT need that!' I saved it and it is under the Cedar Box where her Remains are. Tomorrow, June 29th is the 4th Anniversary of her Death. People who knew her made Donations to Shelters and some sent Mass Cards (I am not sure which Religion she would have been because my late Father was Jewish and my Mom is a Catholic.) I also got Flowers and Sympathy Cards. My little Homewrecker was adored by a lot of people. Even the DENTIST and Her Vet sent sympathy Cards.

    So learn to live defensively because they cannot manage themselves and that is our job to protect them from themselves! More people should read about the Basenji which loosely translated from Congolese means 'Wild Thing'. Priceless!

  • @zande I have to find Her AKC Papers. The Breeder named her 'Mbera which means Piano. She was a lovely Tri color with a Bandit's Mask over her eyes. I saw her when she was 3 days old and since I took care of her Breeder's Horses when she went to the Belgian Congo which is now called The Democratic Republic of the Congo, I got the pick of the Litter.

    She was the only Tri and had a pink nose. I visited her a few times a week and let her stay with her Mother and siblings for 12 weeks because this gives them a chance to learn things from their Mother. She was always the first in this Wave of Puppies that would lay all over me and play with whatever body part they could get their teeth into! I would sit on the floor and laugh hysterically because there is NOTHING better for a true Basenji lover than to be stuck in that wave of Puppies!

    When I find her AKC Papers I will give the info to you. It is too depressing for me to do it myself. Since I lost her I have also lost 'Her' Cat and Wolf. I lost my 25-year-old Quarterhorse to EPM. I had him since he was 4 and still have not gotten over losing him or my Dog.

    I do want a Relative because even though it won't be the same as my Dog it may be close. Having survived Basenji Boot Camp I am 1000000% prepared!


  • @debradownsouth Those are very intelligent Dogs. They are beautiful but not too much like a Basenji. Dp you Breed both?

    Sometimes they are just 'playing' us to get our attention. I actually LOVE the Basenjis personality. Mine did not Yodel until she was 14 years old and I heard it and laughed myself silly. I said why have you been holding out on me for the last 14 years Antigone? She gave me her paw.

    I love all animals but I have a weakness for Hounds. My first Dog was a Beagle and I was 7 years old when I got him. He had a stroke when I was 23 years old. I went with my Mom to have him put to sleep. His remains are in my Mother's Closet with some Cats and at least 4 more Dogs. She is going to give his remains to me. She intends to be buried with ALL of the pets that are not in the Back Yard. We tell her she will need a double wide Casket to include all of the pets!

    If I had your Dog I would ask him to lay down and let him know the game is over because you are tired. He definitely sounds like a gorgeous walking Snowball!


  • @antigone said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    I have to find Her AKC Papers. The Breeder named her 'Mbera which means Piano.
    I have done a thorough search on my laptop (of the database which I thought to put onto it last night to have it in the hospital). She isn't there but if you say she has AKC reg# I will try there. If 'Mbera is the first word of her name I should find her. IF I can get to the AKC from here ! But I have different browsers on the desk & laptops. But I will definitely do the digging for you and her papers would giveme her parents.
    Typing isn't easy on my back in bed but the new hip is safely installed. I hope to be home no later than Monday

  • I am not sure if I spelled her name correctly but her Breeder was Cathy Baron in NJ. She no longer Breeds these Dogs and I had been trying for years to find her. I wanted another Puppy from her because even though my little Dog had no use for Canines she loved babies. Kittens and Puppies were okay with her.

    She was raised with Wolves and the Wolf is the Basenjis closest relation one may rightly say this 2k plus Dogs are the first dog in the history of Canines. It also explains why she adored the 2 Wolves I rescued from the Dog Pound were accepted by her immediately!

    I know where the Envelope with her Papers are but cannot get to them myself. One of my Senior Cats caused me to fall 3x in a week and I had an X-Ray and I fractured the First Vertebrate in my Spine. I will ask a friend to get them for me.


  • @antigone

    Basenjis are one of the earliest breeds, not the earliest. Well if they are, science hasn't proven it yet

    Oh no! Hope your back gets better soon. (EDITED, I put our.. Freudian slip I guess since mine hurts too.)

    I found this record:

    NYANGA REVEILLE REDBUD. HM 74812303. 11-19-97
    By Ch Reveille Boutonniere JC - Ch Blucrest Bound for Fame.
    Owner: Catherine Baron, Califon, NJ 07830. Breeder: Jon W Draud MD & Damara Bolte'.
    (Handler: Damara Bolte' PHA).

    In 1997:

    Since she owned a Damara Bolte dog, maybe you can contact her and find a dog with similar bloodlines.
    Virginia: Damara Bolte'
    Mentor Index

  • That is very helpful and will give me something to work on when I get out of hospital. Hopefully tomorrow but maybe not till Tuesday

  • @zande said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    That is very helpful and will give me something to work on when I get out of hospital. Hopefully tomorrow but maybe not till Tuesday

    Hope it's tomorrow. Hospitals are unpleasant and boring places. Also hope your recovery is proceeding apace. Nice to see you are up to posting. That's a good sign.

  • @debradownsouth Thia is awesome! Thanks so much! I have been Searching for her for years. Her AKC papers has a photograph and she was so tiny that when I took her home so my Mother and sisters could meet her they had a little Cat Bed called a Kitty Cup and she curled up in there and slept for a few hours. I have researched the History of the Breed and they show up on the Reliefs of the Egyptian Pharoes. They loved the Breed so much that when they died they would kill them and make little mummies out of them. That is where they first show up.

    I will check out the article but we have the ancient records from Egypt and it is rather hard to refute that.

    Thanks again for the info!

  • @debradownsouth I read the article and saw the Samoyed and the Akita are included. They did not include the smaller Akita-Inu which has the tail just like the Basenjis. I still think the records we have from Egypt prove the Basenji is the oldest breed. I had an Akita that my ex-husband had to have. and paid $250.00 for him because he was not a good dog for showing because his left ear would not stand up straight!

    I adored that Puppy and I was walking him in the snow when I slipped on Ice in the Parking Lot of my Condo and fractured my left leg in 12 places. I had to have reconstructive Surgery. While I was in the Hospital my ex called the Akita Rescue Society and he gave him away without telling me.

    He also gave the Pup a most common name which was Max! My late Father adored him and his German Shepherd Mix and his Rottweiler accepted Max immediately. The Baby Lupines, Carnivores all have the same face so that Predictors know they are harmless.

    I never forgave him for giving Max away. Max was rescued by an Electrician and went to work with the guy and he sent me some photos and he looked happy. My back is still screwed!

  • @donc said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    Hope it's tomorrow. Hospitals are unpleasant and boring places

    Tuesday. But I have been for long walks on two sticks abs gave a lovely bright sunlit room with lots of space, andthe nurses are lovely. Not like Marvin had in the State hospital which was terrible. I've paid medical insurance for years so the new hip was done in a private Hospital where the care is super. Paul is looking the Pin Eater and his sister and they are missing Mom badly

  • @debradownsouth This is not the same Dog. Mine was born on December 23rd 1998. She was the only Dog I ever paid for with the exception of my Ex Husband's Akita. I saw her on December 26 because Christmas was going on. So this is not the same dog! I will write to har and see what she can tell me.

    Regarding Great Adventure, I have audio tape of a brutal man who was slaughtering Horses in NJ and he says that he drops off Horses at the Safari Park. I was investigating him with my friend Amanda Sorvino and her Dad is Paul Sorvino of Goodfellas and her older sister Mira won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Mighty Aphrodite.

    So yes I have Proof because she also followed him there at 3am so she could see him drop the Horses off. If you like I can put you in touch with her.

    Monty J Merola was a brutal man and he died of Lymphoma from eating the meat of the Horses he slaughtered. Horse meat causes Cancer because the Medications are there at the cellular level and they never purge the body. Dr. Ann Marini who is a Neurologist has a detailed study of the use of medications in Horse Meat. Google her.


  • This post is deleted!
  • I can put you in touch with Amanda Sorvino because we were investigating Monty J Merola. I met him several times but never once stepped into the Slaughterhouse. Amanda did and She used my Camera to take photos of a Standardbred Racehorse who was covered with Rain Rot. I called him Rain Rot Boy and I called the American Standardbred Rescue Society to see if they wanted the Horse. They did not care so much for a Breed Rescue Society. He was hanging in the Freezer waiting to be ground up for packing in a Tube. His 'Product' was Grade D Meat and he lost his standing as a supplier to the AZA.

    I really want you to speak to Amanda so she can speak to you directly and tell you how she followed him to Great Adventure. She has videotape of the drive from his Plant to Great Adventure. I go to great lengths and expense to shut Slaughter down on the State and Federal Levels and I will continue to do so..

    It is a myth that Horses have worse lives without Slaughter. People who send their Equidaies to kill are too cheap to call the Vet. The Racing Industry could be shut down because the Horses and Mules are given Drugs. Drugs interfere with Gambling and that is a RICO violation. The Legal basis for all of this ie there to support this. Breeders are winning more now because they race them only enough to Qualify for the Kentucky Derby. The Breeders and Trainers should be held accountable.

    I have a 17-year-old 'Secretariat Great Granddaughter and she is a 'Lifer' with me because they drugged her so much she has a ton of Gastric Ulcers. I paid for a full Body Scan to see why this Horse was not able to gain weight. The Vets said to try the Medication and I did for a few Months but there was no change. She is now treated by diet. She gets all the Timothy Hay she wants, a cube of Alfalfa every morning and some Beet Pulp.

  • @debradownsouth The best thing about my Secretariat Great Grandaughter is her Sire was an Irish Thoroughbred. I have been to Ireland several times as I have Family there. The Irish breed the best Horses on the Planet. The Limestone in the grass gives them great Bone' They also give them a Pint of Guinness Stout as it was invented by Guinness as a 'Horse Tonic'.

    I did not understand that the Basenji you referenced as mine was not! I will get in touch with the other Breeder and email Cathy because I have not seen her since 1999 when I brought Antigone home. I had intended to call her 'Clementine' but it took about two seconds to name her Antigone after the Protagonist in the Greek Play by Sophocles. Antigone would rather die than negotiate. Tand hat was my dog. People never pronounced her name correctly so I called her 'Tiggy' for short. I only called her by her full name when I wanted to take her home from the Horse Farm.

    The mystery of the Origins of the Basenji and the Pharoh hound will persist. My money is on the Basenji and I do think it is related to the Wolves. My Dog loved Wolves whereas other Canines clear out because they are afraid of them. My Wolves and my Dog always engaged in 'Mutual Grooming' and that was a sight to see. I have some film of it but cannot bring myself to look at it.

    Go to Youtube and search for Asperci1 and that is one of Amanda's many videos.

    Thanks for sorting out the Dog because I knew when she was born and I had always wanted a Basenji!

  • Antigone - send me whatever paperwork you do have and I will do all I can to trace the dog once I am home. There a myriad places to look if one only knows where to start.
    Thanks Debra,I shall be glad to be upright again. And mobile but I am getting good on the stairs !

  • @antigone - Again, please stop hi-jacking others people posts. Start your own as what is being posted has nothing to do with what the original post was about

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