I agree with Pat. Its best to put the crate in the bedroom where you sleep. It helps if the puppy can see you so they feel safe. In the old days, we used to use a windup alarm clock because the rhythmic ticking reminds the puppy of the mothers heart beat. Of course you do not want to put it in the kennel/crate, but you can put it on top or next to it so the puppy hears the sound. You might be surprised, but another thing that can work is music. I do not mean rock and roll (lol), but soothing soft music can help. You want to make sure the bottom of the crate, towel, pad, or whatever is on the bottom remains dry. A wet cushion, towel, or bottom of crate can put a basenji puppy in distress and will eventually cause them to scream. They do not want to be trapped in the crate if they have an accident.
New obedience title
My female Gossip just finished her last rally advanced-excellent leg and now has a new title: Sonbar's Tabloid Talk - RAE. So it can be done. (Sorry my pictures are too large to upload)
Oh my goodness... congrats... but reduce those sizes so we can see! WTG!
Yes DebraDownSouth - but I'm having trouble reducing the pictures. I'll try to get some up soon.
If you ever have pictures you need help with, don't hesitate to send to me. I rather enjoy doing photoshop, so reduce, remove color cast, put in a frame, just send to me. Debradownsth@aol.com
Thanks to Deb the picture is now posted in "showoffs"