Zaire was tired for the first day that I brought her home. After that she seemed pretty unaffected by her surgery. It was (I think) much more traumatic for me than for her, as I was soo worried for the next week that she needed to slow down. In the end all went well, with the exception that she healed MUCH QUICKER than my vet initially thought, and I ended up having to take her in 3 days early to take out the stitches as they were tightening on her scar and cutting into the skin. As soon as they took them out her swelling on the scar went down within a day and looked Amazing as far as healing. I
I didn't notice much of a difference in energy level or eating and drinking after the first day home. As for Behavior she seemed the same to me. I do think she went into a false heat earlier this month/late august and for about 3 weeks was a DEMON to her brother and the min-pin. _Yelling and screaming at them all day).
But that's my princess, she will not take guff from any male. π