The tech didn't seem to blame Oakley and when she told me I sort of sighed in shocked and it must have sounded like "oh crap" because she did tell me she didn't think he was being aggressive and that he was still so under the anesthesia..but even if they don't blame me..or him..I still wish it didn't happen
I know oak so well that I believe she opened the crate and either in reaching for him or as she touched him he startled out of sheer grogginess and fear over where he was, what happened to him..
I do need the truth, he is still licking..not non stop but enough to permit questioning…the only reason I can think they wouldn't tell me is because I gave them that list and it clearly wasn't followed (even though I understand it was an accident)..and a negative result was caused..I think maybe they were worried to tell me they did it when I said.."don't worry about doing it, he has enough going on"...I really wouldn't be mad if they did but I need to know so I can assess normal behavior versus "we have a problem"...he's acting like a dog who was expressed....and I can't shake that certainly leads me to feel funny
He's still super tired, whining and crying some (like when he lays down)..some of that is that Oakley will milk me for all I'm worth; he's the worst patient! I have to work tomorrow but I'm going to make it a shorter day and have asked my dog walker to come check on him...still feeling guilty that he had a tough day and I'm the reason why...he's drinking well and I managed three tiny meals of wet food..