Admittedly Odd Puppy Food Question
Yes, it's pins and needles time for all of us puppy parents-in-waiting! I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, TMartin, but it's wonderful that your friend can pick up your new baby for you. I hope you heal quickly! Those two weeks will fly right by, I'm sure– and I'll post pics as soon as I have them. :)
Do you know who your puppy is yet or when you can pick her/him up?
Unfortunately, no, and I'm having logistical issues. But I'm glad yours is working out!
Thanks! It's a bit of a nightmare, really.
TMartin- I was just looking for this thread so I could ask the same thing!?
Thank you both for asking– it's so kind of you! But no. Depressing to think that three weeks ago I was concerned about getting the puppy food and now I'm concerned about getting the puppy.
TMartin, I hope your puppy is still coming home this week. Have you found out which one you're getting?
I really hope things work out!
Our friends left this morning and dropped off their boy, so he and Loki are having a blast. Tad said he is going back and forth between the tri girl and some of the boys, but we'll definitely know tonight since they are hoping to begin the drive home by 5-6 this evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the girl…I love tri girls!
I'm so happy for you, TMartin! I'll be sending some tri vibes your way and hope that she's yours. Let us know– and safe travels to your friends and the pups!
I'm SO happy to hear your good news, TMartin! I saw a photo of the tri girl when she was tiny and she is absolutely adorable! Please do post pics. I haven't seen photos of the pups since they were about three weeks old, and they'll be so big now!
No, Tanza, I'm still waiting to hear. It's so hard, and I just don't understand.
ownedbyspencer, please email me privately at
For those who have asked if I am keeping a puppy, the final answer is no. The reason, you might ask?…. In 2000 I placed a puppy bitch with a great home.. we showed her to her Dual Championship and Ann (Mom) showed/trained her to her Obedience and Rally titles.. it is a home to die for.... A week and 1/2 ago, we lost Crystal to unexpected kidney failure. Mom, Ann made the hard decision that life was not good for her and let her go over the Rainbow Bridge. Ann still has Kobey that we co-own and he has been really missing his older house sister, so I offered Ann my pick puppy. She has decided to accept and take her home. I could not be more pleased.... as Ann and her family are my family and the best of friends. As you all know, I have two bitches that get along like bread and butter or as another friend put it, Peas and Carrots! While I was set to keep a puppy, I did worry that 3 is a crowd and I do not and do not want to have "packs"... we all live together... as a family... so my fear in keeping a puppy was that I would break up the bond between C-Me and Franie... now that problem doesn't exist. We will visit with or Ann will come up her every weekend.. and hopefully they will all continue to bond and be friends and the boy dog, Kobey too, but I don't have much fear about the boy dog... (not always the case with Mom's and bitches when they are not in the same house)....
So all the homes have been decided... the exact placement of the pups will be decided tomorrow after we grade the litter, but I am pretty sure who is going where.... will soon announce on the my website who is going where!