KS-Wichita/Eureka-Free Bs-2 M-1 Yr. Old & 1 F-1 Yr. Old & 1 F-7 Yr. Old-On Craigslist
I would contact BRAT to get her number, it seems as though she is the one handling inquiries or knows about these particular dogs. You can get a number/email through their website Basenjirescue.org
You may have better luck having her contact the owner since you dont seem to be having luck…and if all else fails then you can look at the basenjis needing homes on the BRAT website . Good luck and let us know how your search is going -
I'm anxious….still no response after 2 messages to the owner of the dogs
Did you get a response yet? I did. She still has the brindle, that's the one I asked about. I think you'll get a response.
Did you get a response yet? I did. She still has the brindle, that's the one I asked about. I think you'll get a response.
I just got off the phone with her…I will be picking up two females on Thursday...I'm so excited! She has kept the males/females separate and the girls get along well.
I just got off the phone with her…I will be picking up two females on Thursday...I'm so excited! She has kept the males/females separate and the girls get along well.
be sure to let us know when you get them. hopefully they are already spayed.
Oh, and we need pics of them in their new home!!! -
Not yet spayed….will have to get that done next week. I'll be sure to post pics.
I'm so relieved to know that a forum member is adopting the two females. Congrats! Look forward to the pictures of your new additions.
You won't believe it, but I was on Facebook, the BRAT page, and found a woman with a rescue who lives about 10 miles from me…her vet knows B's well..... She says she has been the only known B owner in the region for a while. She got her rescue in February. We are going to get together and have a play date. I can hardly wait. I will definitely have them checked out BEFORE having surgery. Thank you all so much for your help. I will be sure to post pics. My life is about to get exciting! Now I just need to find names....their names are Shotgun (not a girls name) and Bella. I would really like African names. My last B was Sundiata Ngoma Kibushi. He was the best B ever!
Also posted on BRAT/facebook page….."These are two of the 5 given away free in Kansas....mama was bred twice, no papers or testing first. Raised outside, concrete pad/shed/full feed....I've got a lot of work ahead....got home at midnight, spent time laying on the concrete porch with them....letting them sniff/lick me until they were calm....then we took a bath, me first, then the mama while the baby licked her the whole time, then the baby, while mama licked her the whole time. Then we all fell asleep on the concrete porch for about 30 minutes. Then we all piled into my bed and died! The cat went in hiding when we first came home but then appeared in the middle of the bed during the night. The baby sniffed her a little and went back to sleep. LOVED i! I was afraid they would be aggressive but NOT! The only problem so far is they won't poop except on concrete. We walked until I was ready to drop/no poop/went in the house and baby promptly pooped on the concrete porch. Same thing this am, very long walk and no results yet. This time I crated them so no accidents. I feel like I have twin toddlers....No rest for the weary.....did not even have my coffee! " They are napping now....peace...ahhhh
working on trying to add photos.....files too big....any suggestions?.....finally did it.....
So happy you have them and that they are so well adjusted. Do you know if the person has found homes for all of them?
Yes….they were the last 2...would have loved to have a boy, but I'm very happy with the girls
sounds like a great start to a happy future!
Congratulations and thank you for rescuing them! I hope you have better luck than I have with the non-pooping on concrete; I believe my Becca (she's 5) spent her first 3 years being bred, on concrete. For the life of me, I can't figure out a way to get her to poop on the grass, but since she DOES do her business outside, I've resigned myself to pick up the poop from the concrete~ at least it's not inside! :)
Hugs and roos-
:) ;) ;) -
I'm so glad that those girls ended up with such a good home, lucky them, and lucky you too! I really like the dark brindle one, I'd inquired about her, so I'm happy you have her. Now I know where she is.
Now I just need to find names….their names are Shotgun (not a girls name) and Bella. I would really like African names. My last B was Sundiata Ngoma Kibushi. He was the best B ever!
I like the name Shotgun, though it may be better suited for a sporting dog, and as for it not being a girl's name, who sez? If it were me, I'd be keeping the name Shotgun, Bella? that would be the name I'd be changing.