Cara and Arwen Jan 2012
LOL these are salmon skin but he also has cod. I may try those next but it was so funny to see how utterly happy they were. I was also concerned they would suck one down fast, but they are dried so they had to work at it.
I know the "ears" are not really ears, but I get a visual of salmon with elf ears sticking out of their heads - funny. The pictures are great, thanks for sharing.
I had emailed that salmon ear company asking about shipping to Canada and they did not get back to me yet. Are you friends with the owner of the company DebraDS?
I have known the owner almost 16 yrs, learned everything I know about natural feeding from him. I actually left you a message in your messages yesterday I think? about this because I did ask him and he is willing to try to get them to you.
LOL long story short on the frog– I thought my daughter meant they could have it, she was horrified but didn't want it back after dog spit. Her dad says too cute to give to the dogs. She is now studying in France, lol, so going to give it a couple of weeks (it is sitting on my entertainment center) and tell her either I wash it and she keeps it or the dogs get the joy of gutting it.
I have known the owner almost 16 yrs, learned everything I know about natural feeding from him. I actually left you a message in your messages yesterday I think? about this because I did ask him and he is willing to try to get them to you.
I left you a message as well, I hope I did it correctly.
Debra, thanks for sharing these pictures - I don't think I have seen happier dogs! So nice to see pics of Cara and Arwen - they are lovely b's.
Do those salmon ears smell funky when they get chewed and slobbered on? How fast does one last? I might place an order. I have a post office box in the U.S. - we are about a 7 minute drive from the border.
Yep– you did fine and I left you his email.
They smell like what they are-- salmon. Since I love salmon I don't mind. The bad part is they know where I have them in a closed plastic storage box and Cara got ON THE KITCHEN TABLE trying to get to the shelf, lol.
They last about as long as the chicken jerky treats but I am giving the a big one. I have not used the chips yet (they are about 2 inches to 3 inches square). The big ones they tear pieces off, crunch, swallow and on to next piece. I wouldn't know how they smell wet as by then they are down the gullet, lol. I guess I should video them eating one. Arwen just goes into ecstasy.