PUPPIES! 17 days old
Are you planning on keeping the mom and or a puppy from the litter? Just curiousity, I'm so very nosy and intrigued!
Mom is staying of course. She ended up mine when my roommate left..and the girl in the post with the mom is the one I chose. Her name is Chloe.
Keep in mind that bitches after giving birth can and do have a "season" within 3 to 5 months of having puppies… so you need to get her spayed as soon as possible. And if you are keeping a bitch puppy, same... she could come in season as early as 4 month... DO NOT wait to either spay or get your male neutered
Neutering him is waiting till I find a vet that doesnt use Ketamine…he had seizures. And since the prices from the puppies are going towards the vet and spaying her she's getting spayed as soon as she can be spayed same goes with Chloe. So I am well aware of all that. And Anubis isn't getting touched unless im certain the vet isnt using ketamine...Im not risking him having another seizure.
Have you talked to the vet about using a different protocol for him? Just because the use of Ketamine is their normal protocol doesn't mean they won't use a different protocol if you discuss with them why it is necessary for your dog. Many vets use Ketamine but every vet I have talked to about my dogs and the family history with Ketamine agree that it would be safest to just use a different protocol for them.
Im checking with the local spay neuter clinic…Ive heard that they never use Ketamine in their office that they use a different sedative thats safer. I will be making the call on Wednesday when im actually around to make calls. I was told about them through my dads friend at work. Yeah Anubis went into a seizure attack (hes never had a history if seizures) on the table at my old vet. I moved about a month or so ago back to the area of OK where I grew up and have had all my vet records sent to the vet nearby who are very good. So they know about his Ketamine reaction. They even told me the local ABC (Animal birth control) clinic is good because they have different sedatives they use. Getting the call from my old vet about his seizures was very scary. I never want to hear that again.
Yeah Anubis went into a seizure attack (hes never had a history if seizures) on the table at my old vet. I moved about a month or so ago back to the area of OK where I grew up and have had all my vet records sent to the vet nearby who are very good. So they know about his Ketamine reaction. They even told me the local ABC (Animal birth control) clinic is good because they have different sedatives they use. Getting the call from my old vet about his seizures was very scary. I never want to hear that again.
Ask your vet about Isoflurane. Also, you can search Isoflurane on this forum. Lots of info.
Thank you Kipawa! I will ask them about it. I believe thats what the ABC clinic uses.
I have one question, and please don't hate me for asking. When you found out about the breeding, why didn't you just terminate the pregnancy, since the bitch was to be spayed anyhow? Obviously a moot point now, but I'm curious. I do hope you find good homes for the puppies, but as we all know the world doesn't really need more cross bred "accidents", no matter how cute.
I have one question, and please don't hate me for asking. When you found out about the breeding, why didn't you just terminate the pregnancy, since the bitch was to be spayed anyhow? Obviously a moot point now, but I'm curious. I do hope you find good homes for the puppies, but as we all know the world doesn't really need more cross bred "accidents", no matter how cute.
Same question here, did both parents do the health tests? How is the personality of both of them?
It is always someting to think about before "just" let them be born later.
They are sure cute :)In Holland there aren't much Basenji's and I really can be so mad if I see a mix basenji out of a planned combination, but allright a oopslitter can happen but really.. they must be walking with their eyes closed…
In Holland, there are so much people having Oops litters, they call it oops litters but most of them are just a nice defense of having a litter for fun.. Breeding is not just fun, but people don't realize that very often... 9 pupies means, being responsible for many many years .. Caus you don't just be responsible untill they leave, you are responsible their whole life..
Do I understand your ex roommate, just dumped the mom with you and left? Why? She made the mistake..
Great you kept her and great that you will take care of her! -
Your little "baseagles" are adorable accidents - I hope you can find homes for them - it's a very interesting mix.
Well when I was eventually TOLD about them "getting together" she waited like 3-4wks to tell me as she KNEW id be mad. And I completely agree…she is an idiot. I have no shame in saying it as we aren't even friends anymore. When she decided she was to move out I told her the dog was NOT going with her if she was in fact pregnant because she was in between living places and I didnt want the dog to go through that kind of stress. And she ended up saying to EXACTLY QUOTE (I still remember as it pissed me off greatly) "I dont want her anymore now anyways...especially if she has a big litter...I cant deal with puppies...but when they are ready I want one". And at that point I told her to pound sand basically. NO way is she getting one of them...she'd prolly make the same mistake anyways! At 3-4wks along I would have felt bad about getting them aborted. Im positive I can find good homes. Ill be requiring vet references and home checks and such. Yes both parents are healthy. Anubis my B has been going to the vet twice a year ever since I got him for health checks and he is always UTD on shots. He is 4 now and Ive had him since he was 6mo. The Beagle momma went for several health checks during the pregnancy as well and is said to be extremely healthy as well. I am fully aware of the responsibilities of such a large litter and im totally committed to it. I also insist on the puppy coming back should the new owners not be able to keep it. And they are going to get a crash course in Basenji behavior if they do not already know about them. Granted its not a full blood B but its STILL half and thats still cause for a normal Basenji terror on 4 legs lol.
I am glad that you are being so responsible about this litter. Finding them good homes and requiring puppy back etc, even if they are not a PB. Sh** happens sometimes to even the most responsible of breeders and when a female comes into heat good luck trying to keep them separated. I am glad that you had the heart to keep the Beagle knowing she was possibly pregnant and keep her away from your ex roomate. That woman is obviously not responsible in the least let alone responsible enough with a pregnant dog. I would have told her to 'pound sand' as well, that she was not getting a puppy and she should never be able to have another animal again! Even a fish! They are adorable little pups, right now they look a lot like a baby B. Good luck with finding them proper homes but like the others, I would not let them go until they are about 10 weeks of age.
Thank you for the support…I didn't want anyone on here thinking that I myself was the irresponsible one. When in fact it was HER who was irresponsible. I will not be letting them go until they are at least 10wks. Ive gotten a LOT of info from people on here which I appreciate greatly and are learning a lot online and from my vet as well. I have 3 tricolored puppies and the rest look like Daddy :)
Thank you for the support…I didn't want anyone on here thinking that I myself was the irresponsible one. When in fact it was HER who was irresponsible. I will not be letting them go until they are at least 10wks. Ive gotten a LOT of info from people on here which I appreciate greatly and are learning a lot online and from my vet as well. I have 3 tricolored puppies and the rest look like Daddy :)
Will be interesting to see what they look like at 8wks or so. Mom looks like a beagle mix. Reminds of the litter from a PB Basenji and mix that had lots of Beagle that the WI Basenji club had (in fact one of the pups went to a person that is or was on the forums). Some turned out to look like Basenjis, some more like Beagles, or or two looked like Labs. As newborns, many pups resemble Basenjis. But you did get lots with white tail tips and white feet.
Oh for sure! Im excited to see what kind of tail they will have. I KNOW some will have floppy ears as you can already tell by the shape of them…some of them have more rounded saggy ears and a few have short pointed ears.
Well when I was eventually TOLD about them "getting together" she waited like 3-4wks to tell me as she KNEW id be mad. And I completely agree…she is an idiot. I have no shame in saying it as we aren't even friends anymore. When she decided she was to move out I told her the dog was NOT going with her if she was in fact pregnant because she was in between living places and I didnt want the dog to go through that kind of stress. And she ended up saying to EXACTLY QUOTE (I still remember as it pissed me off greatly) "I dont want her anymore now anyways...especially if she has a big litter...I cant deal with puppies...but when they are ready I want one". And at that point I told her to pound sand basically. NO way is she getting one of them...she'd prolly make the same mistake anyways! At 3-4wks along I would have felt bad about getting them aborted. Im positive I can find good homes. Ill be requiring vet references and home checks and such. Yes both parents are healthy. Anubis my B has been going to the vet twice a year ever since I got him for health checks and he is always UTD on shots. He is 4 now and Ive had him since he was 6mo. The Beagle momma went for several health checks during the pregnancy as well and is said to be extremely healthy as well. I am fully aware of the responsibilities of such a large litter and im totally committed to it. I also insist on the puppy coming back should the new owners not be able to keep it. And they are going to get a crash course in Basenji behavior if they do not already know about them. Granted its not a full blood B but its STILL half and thats still cause for a normal Basenji terror on 4 legs lol.
You must have noticed she was in season when you returned from your trip? That really should have been a clue that more than likely something happened? I would have had her spayed as soon as she stopped bleeding, telling the Vet that it was possible she was bred.