Weird Positions
Cute. That's a pretty extreme neck-bend there. The beanbag mountain looks super comfy too, nothing weird there. ;)
haha yeah she makes me laugh :) she also does the paws in the air, sleep thing. except her front paws bend and i call it "the dead cokeroach pose" cos thats what she remind me off haha.
re the bean bag one: im amazed she got up there without toppling them over - she actually has her front paws down the crack of the two with her head on the other one. she slept like that for a while. it was funny.
would be awesome to see other weird possies if theres any piccies.
OMG the bendy neck against the wall ! LOL perfect pics. They are strange creatures.
ROFLMAO at Tucker. LOL. Just tooooo tired to go another step, will just rest here.