Hello Basenji Family
So, can you tell us where you got your basenji from?
You didn't really answer any of the questions on why you want to breed? There are many, many nice looking Basenjis that have never been bred. There is really much more that responsible breeders taken into account before deciding to breed. At least in my opinion.
Can you share his petigree with us? Who are the sire/dam please?
Carlo. I do basenji rescue. I find folks who have not had these testings done on the dogs they breed can't sell the dogs and they end up in rescue.
If your not a show person, and if you are, we would love to hear about it, then your a hobby breeder and that is hard to support. -
Omg is this a breeders forum ?????
We appreciated the info and respect the opinionsIt is not a breeders forum, but we do have responsible breeders on this Forum. And it is important to think about why you are breeding. It is also important to do health testing before breeding.
You came here looking to offer stud service so obviously you thought there would be breeders on this forum otherwise why even bother to post?
You have been asked legitimate questions about the animal you are offering at stud and have not answered any of them. Why should anyone with a female consider your male for breeding without a link to its OFA listing and its registered name so they can look him up in the pedigree database provided his information has been submitted? Your pictures while nice casual shots of a dog you clearly love are hardly helpful in evaluating whether this male has something to offer a bitch conformationally.
Carlo's maybe your not aware that all dogs don't need to be bred. There are many homeless basenjis. Check out www.basenjirescue.org
to see some of those who have fallen it rescue. There are many more not listed.
There is a very strong code for ethical breeders..one point is that they take a dog back they breed at any age and at
There is much to learn here, if your open to it and honest with us. -
Ok Please Relax Guys.
We are not doing this for money we just want to honor and extraordinary dog and friend by having one of his sons.
May sound stupid for some of you but we think, dogs like humans have a soul and they can influence people in a good way; the soul and personality of this dog really moves our lives. he is very special.One more time we respect all opinions and understand the problem with the genetics. we promes to have done the test he is missing before breeding.
There is the pedigree
His Father is YULARA DE AZENDA LOC. 44914/ RXI= RXD=
His Mother is UGANDA EN-SWAHILI LOC. 42826/ RXI= A -
Ok Please Relax Guys.
We are not doing this for money we just want to honor and extraordinary dog and friend by having one of his sons.
May sound stupid for some of you but we think, dogs like humans have a soul and they can influence people in a good way; the soul and personality of this dog really moves our lives. he is very special.One more time we respect all opinions and understand the problem with the genetics. we promes to have done the test he is missing before breeding.
There is the pedigree
His Father is YULARA DE AZENDA LOC. 44914/ RXI= RXD=
His Mother is UGANDA EN-SWAHILI LOC. 42826/ RXI= ADoesn't look like any heath testing as been done and the pedigree is incomplete (can be seen at http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com/search.html). Most likely because he comes from Columbia. It would be good to have the complete pedigree and it would be great if you sent it to Sally Wallis at sally.wallis@btopenworld.com
But breeding a litter usually produces more than 1 puppy. It means producing 4-6 puppies just so you can get 1 and there may be no boys so if you have your heart set on a son, you may not get that so then what?
You will have been responsible for bringing these lives into this world and should then be responsible for them until they leave this world. IMO, stud dog owners are responsible for the pups their males produce. Are you willing to step up and take care of the pups if the dam's owner cannot or will not? Finding committed life long homes is no easy task and with the economy as it is, it has been particularly hard for breeders to find good homes.
There are many factors to consider before breeding a litter.
Hello Simba's person. I can tell you love Simba very much, and he is a very beautiful dog. But again, it is hard to know for sure about his genetic soundness, temperament, etc. just from pictures alone, which is why everyone here is going to ask you for his health tests and pedigree. The basenji breeders who speak up on this forum have done a lot to try to improve the overall breed, inside and out, and it is always devastating to hear of haphazard breeding that sets back the efforts of those who are trying to do right by the breed.
I don't know if we can change your mind about breeding your dog here, or at least convince you to do it in a responsible and ethical manner. Please be aware that anyone with a bitch that would be willing to breed to your Simba, at this point, is not someone who has the best interests of the breed in mind. They might see your dog and agree that he is beautiful, but because he has no record of health testing, everybody is taking a risk with the health of the puppies. You might not be doing it for money, but the OTHER person might. Please don't do something that you will regret in the long run, or create misery for a dog that you helped bring into this world.
Ok thank you one more time for the info Pat
This week I'm talking to my dog's vet to get the tests he is missing
My Wife and I appreciated all the comments,
After reading all, She is considering to Buy a Female to Breed Simba and if We can't found a home for the pups, we will be Responsible for all of them.
We will make sure the bitch has all these tests as well.Thank you and best regards.
Carlos Andres Perez
carlo@cretepolishing.com -
Ok thank you one more time for the info Pat
This week I'm talking to my dog's vet to get the tests he is missing
My Wife and I appreciated all the comments,
After reading all, She is considering to Buy a Female to Breed Simba and if We can't found a home for the pups, we will be Responsible for all of them.
We will make sure the bitch has all these tests as well.Thank you and best regards.
Carlos Andres Perez
You Vet doesn't do Fanconi DNA. You order the cheek swab and do the test yourself. Order from http://www.offa.org/dnatesting/fanconi.html
Oops…Pat posted at the same time with the same information! :rolleyes:
Your vet cannot do the Fanconi DNA test...that is a kit that you must order and send back. Go go http://www.offa.org/dnatesting/fanconi.html for complete information and to order the kit.
I'm not sure what's involved in the other tests, so I don't know if the vet can do those, either…more experienced people on this site can give you more information on how to properly proceed in getting them done.