Cesar Millan and Michael Vick

  • Cesar Millan has just gone on record to say that he thinks Michael Vick should have a second chance. Now, I have never been a real fan of Millan's, as I don't like many of his concepts, but I believe Cesar is going to lose some of his real fans by saying this.

    Cesar loves his pit bulls, so I really don't understand or condone his comments. He says that dogs deserve second chances, and so does MV. In my estimation, dogs DO deserve second chances, because dogs are not inherently evil. IMO, MV is evil, and what he has done should not be forgotten or forgiven in any way. I believe that what MV is doing now is damage control. Hit someone hard in the pocket book and they will profess to change their ways.


  • Just goes to show why I have never liked or support Cesar Millan or his methods….

  • Ditto for me too!

  • How could any one who loves dogs(of any breed) think of cutting slack to someone who would hurt dogs on purpose(re; dog fights for entertainment). How Cruel!

    Anyone that condones dog fighting for sport should be put in the same ring with these dogs and get bit to "H"- and see how they like their welts & bloody gashes!

    Just because he's a celeb./sport-star does not mean he should not answer for what he did- and he(and anyone else convicted of this horrible crime) should be banded from ever being able to own any dog/pets what-so-ever - and if found with one should be locked up in a kennel of angry-rabid dogs to take a bit out of him, and see how he likes it.

    Sorry to be so passionate- but to own a dog(or any pet) is a privilege & high responsibly to keep the animal safe, healthy & happy in the false environment we provide/created/brought them into… if they were in the wild then they would have to fend for themselves with their own instincts but because we have taken it upon ourselves as "humans" to domesticate them for our own enjoyment/pleasure- then we have a grave responsibility to ensure their safety & happiness in our care - and be "Humane" to God's beautiful creatures of all kinds.

  • Ok, never had heard about that Vick before, but did a quick search and seems like he was a pretty big name in the dog-fighting circuit?

    Never been a fan of Cesar, but I can see why he now states that he will support Vick if he really want to change his life and will be active in education against dog fighting. Someone from within the circuit, can offer a lot of help and insights. That is, if he is willing to change his life, just as Cesar says. Then he deserves the right of a second chance.

    But, I don't think that he has really changed his mind. Dog-fighting isn't just a sport, it's a way of life. And you don't quit your way of life that easily. However, they will be watching him. Getting back into the circuit won't be possible for him anymore, so he has to make some changes. And being passionate about dog fighting, there is a chance that he will be happy with just talking about it. Explaining others what it is all about. Even when that means that he has to twist his mind from pro to contra.

  • I say people deserve a second chance, and closing your mind out on someone is as evil as their act.

    Prolific and a broad statement I know, but sometimes a person doesn't understand the gravity of a situation until someone slaps them in the brain.

  • @mdczech:

    How could any one who loves dogs(of any breed) think of cutting slack to someone who would hurt dogs on purpose(re; dog fights for entertainment). How Cruel!

    Anyone that condones dog fighting for sport should be put in the same ring with these dogs and get bit to "H"- and see how they like their welts & bloody gashes!

    Just because he's a celeb./sport-star does not mean he should not answer for what he did- and he(and anyone else convicted of this horrible crime) should be banded from ever being able to own any dog/pets what-so-ever - and if found with one should be locked up in a kennel of angry-rabid dogs to take a bit out of him, and see how he likes it.Sorry to be so passionate- but to own a dog(or any pet) is a privilege & high responsibly to keep the animal safe, healthy & happy in the false environment we provide/created/brought them into… if they were in the wild then they would have to fend for themselves with their own instincts but because we have taken it upon ourselves as "humans" to domesticate them for our own enjoyment/pleasure- then we have a grave responsibility to ensure their safety & happiness in our care - and be "Humane" to God's beautiful creatures of all kinds.

    I don't support Cesar Millan or Michael Vick…BUT...Vick DID answer for his crime..he was accused, found guilty and he completed his jail sentence. And the judge decreed he should never own dogs again...and he hasn't. He has indicated that he might want to, but to wish to isn't a crime.

    He was able to return to the NFL successfully (to the surprise of many), and he is a really talented football player. There is nothing set forth in our legal system that bans former criminals from returning to their employment...so although we may not like it, he is entitled to make millions of dollars however he wants, as long as it is legal.

    He is actively trying to reach out the community and talk about his mistakes, whether he believes what he is preaching is up to interpretation...but he IS doing it.

    We can hate him, we can find what he did disgusting, we can wish him to burn in hell. But we can't really understand why he did what he did, and we can't know how he really feels about what he did, and we can't keep him from moving on with his life. So it seems like the best idea is to either support him with his new direction, and/or simply hope he really has changed.

    Just my two and a half cents 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    And the judge decreed he should never own dogs again…and he hasn't. He has indicated that he might want to, but to wish to isn't a crime.

    That's correct, but it sounds like there's a push on to reverse the judge's ruling. With someone like Cesar behind it (agree or disagree with him, he's a celebrity and, unfortunately, in this society that seems to carry some weight), it could actually happen.

    Put me in the camp that believes that Vick should never be able to own another dog again.

  • I do have to agree with Fran. I am not sure that Vick really "gets" what he did was so awful. I know he gets that he lost $$. Time will tell, so I am taking a watch and wait stance.

  • @LindaH:

    That's correct, but it sounds like there's a push on to reverse the judge's ruling. With someone like Cesar behind it (agree or disagree with him, he's a celebrity and, unfortunately, in this society that seems to carry some weight), it could actually happen.

    Put me in the camp that believes that Vick should never be able to own another dog again.

    Well, the upside for the dogs is that with Vick's notoriety, he won't be able to get into any trouble with any animals because of the intense scrutiny he will be under by the public. It would be great if we could channel all the hate and focus onto your average non-famous dog fighter in the inner city, to try and make a real difference for thousands of fighting dogs.

  • A dog fighting ring in the Seattle area was just busted the other day. Sad what people do for money and entertainment…

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