Hopefully Babies for Langarni Basenjis.
Well my gorgeous little bubbies are 6 days old today, I cant believe just how quickly that time has gone :eek:…
They are doing soooooooooooooo well, feeding well, too. In fact they have all doubled their birth weight at either day 5 or 6 :eek:... Im blown away by that... Is that normal ??? Im used to the ACD's doubling by about day 10, if they did it this early, I would be concerned !!!
I have pics of them at 4 days, on my website www.langarni-rajacadoo.com if you want to have a look at them :D:D:D
they are adorable, Jennie..so cute..
Congratulations, the puppies are beautiful
Just a quick update, to say that the pups are 11 days old now, and they continue to do really well :)… I did not enjoy being a part of taking the dew claws off, but I was interested to see just how quickly they all settled down after it was done...
So proud of Ochre, she is doing a great job feeding them and cleaning them. She is having a bit of time out of the whelping box, and yesterday she was re-intrduced to Saba, (who I might add, was VERY pleased to have her company again :)), and she enjoyed the company as well. They even did a housebound B500 ;)... Too cute...
Day 7 pics of them are up on our website :)...
Just a quick update…
All going well. I have the 3 fatties all reach the kilo mark yesterday, while the 3 skinnies are all in the high 800's grams :)
I have 2 week shots of them up on my website, www.langarni-rajacadoo.com They will be 3 weeks old this Sunday. Ochre is coping really well, doing a fantastic job. She spent her first time down in the dog run with Saba this afternoon, and I think she loved the freedom she had… She didnt quite do the B500, I think those large mammaries got in the way :D...
Finally opened their eyes on about day 17-19, very slow compared to the Cattle Dogs who are open between days 8-10 ;)...
Just in the process of thinking up registered names, thats a fun part I reckon :)
So happy to hear that all is good..love seeing the pictures, keep them coming.
Thanks guys :)…
Kipawa, I have heart failure about once a day, cos my daughters keep taking one to have a cuddle, and the head count is wrong... So there's me shouting... "Do you have ...... ???", Yes, Im giving ...... a cuddle up here" ;)... I wont mention putting all 6 in a blanket and taking them ALL upstairs :eek:
3 weeks old yesterday, new pics up on the website :). I tried to take pretend 'stacked shots' of them all, didnt work ;). Legs all over the place...
Thanks Lysh :)…
They are going really well, growing like weeds !!! They are just beginning to play with each other a bit, up on their wobbly widdle legs :D...
They are just starting to be at the fun stage... Love watching them. Real time-wasters too ;)...
Just about to go and find my registered names for them all... Exciting :)...
Yep theme is right…
They will be Langarni African ...... The last name will be african, beginning with A, (cos its my A litter), with some sort of applicable meaning :)...
They had their first try at some minced beef last night, and then again this am... LOOOOOOOVED it :)... Ochre was very keen to help them, and she enjoyed cleaning up the mess later, as well :D
Another update…
Puppies are 5 1/2 weeks old now. They are all doing well, putting on weight, feeding well, running around, playing etc, etc. Its lovely at this age, watching their little personalities develop... So cute :)
More pics on our website. They all have their own folders, cos the litters page was just getting too big !!!
Vaccinations and microchip at 8 weeks, and already booked in for their eye exams, when they are 11 weeks old. Thats the problem with living in a very small state, we rely on a visiting eye specialist to come here from the 'big island'... So unfortunately, pups need to stay here for the extra week, just so they can get their eye test done :(... It will allow me to get some extra training, socialisation etc, etc into them though :D... Thats got to be a good thing !!!
Sent off their registration papers, on Monday, so Im hoping for a fast return, (cos I paid extra for this fast-track to be done), so I hope the middle of next week to have them back...
Ooops, I havent been in here for a while, so I mised your post Lysh :o
I have had a very busy time over the last few weeks… I was VERY lucky to have the owner of the sire, fly to my place last weekend, when the pups were 8 weeks old, and help me to assess/grade them... I learnt sooooo much from Helen. She was wonderful, allowing me to spend all the time picking her brain, about anything and everything B related:)...
So the long and the short of it is, that Denis, (now called Java), is staying here, to be loved and shown by us. The other boy, Arrow, (now called Kaos, and beginning to live up to his name already, even though he has only had this name for a few days !!!), is going to a show home in Queensland, and the little darkhorse of the litter, is Diamond, (who is now called................................ Diamond :D), is going to hit the very competitive show scene in NSW :). I have 1 other girl, Jane, (who at this stage has no name !!!), going to live in Victoria as a VERY much loved pet. The other 2, Tilly and Stripe are still available, as both potential owners have needed to pull out of the sale...
So I am very happy to have 3 of the 6 into showhomes, and Im sure the last 2 will find homes soon.
They will leave for their new homes around the 13th Sept, a little longer than I hoped for, but I need to get their eyes tested, and unfortunately the Eye Specialist we have in Tassie is a guy from the "Big Island", who only visits once every 6-8 weeks...
We have had some puter problems, but things are just starting to get sorted out, and we hope to have the website up and running again, i.e. updated, by the end of next weekend :)... Fingers crossed !!!
Java will be known as Langarni African Aluko, Kaos is Langarni African Azibo and Diamond is Langarni African Araya...