Help asap please
wrote on 23 Mar 2010, 23:17 last edited by
"risk" is not a diagnosis. It should be Probably Clear, Probably Carrier, Probably Affected, or Indeterminate Between Carrier or Clear.
wrote on 23 Mar 2010, 23:20 last edited by
ivoss, is there a way i can get the test done again with out paying the $65.00?????? !! so it dont'mean he has it!?. how can i find out for sure!?? test again>????
wrote on 23 Mar 2010, 23:21 last edited by
i'm glad your on here!. just help me with this and tell me what i can do to know for sure!!. i have been reading more and more on this and it's not a good thing for a dog to have!!. it's a slow death!!.
wrote on 23 Mar 2010, 23:29 last edited by
ivoss, i have to take him to the baseball feild to run for a few he's being a little brat right now but i'll be back on at 9;00 pm!. try and be on if u can so i can talk to u!!. thanks for the information u just sent me too it helped me out just now!!!.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:05 last edited by
Can you copy and paste your results into a message so I can see what it actually says? Here is my puppy's as an example of what it should look like when you paste it in.
Fanconi DNA linkage Received: 01/12/2010
Processed: 01/15/2010
Results: CLEAROr did you get the actual certificate in the mail? There is a 2-4 week lag between owner notification and public posting so I can't go see it on the site yet. If you got certificate type in what it says over the signature. That is where it should say Probably ____________ for Fanconi Syndrome.
Retesting will not change the result. If he is Probably Affected then you will need to start strip testing him monthly with Urine Glucose Test Strips so you can catch the onset of the disease as early as possible and begin treatment. You should also neuter him sooner rather than later to reduce the stress on his body caused by hormones when rut hits.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:18 last edited by
i called today and they said risk that's all they said to me . but i dont'have the certificate yet!. but i think i did the test wrong!, because i kinda rubbed in the curcle part to hard!!. i thank i'm going to do the test again!.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:18 last edited by
i just dont'know what to do right now!!.i have been crying my head off.!! he hasnt'shown any signs yet but i was just he was tested as risk!.
If tested Affected, he will not show signs till after the age of two years. But you need to learn about strip testing and how it is done. Please again, go to and read about it. The best thing you can do for yourself and your Basenji is to learn as much as possible.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:22 last edited by
hi tanza, is that a real resault saying risk!>??? that's all they said to me today, on the phone. should i even to another test?, because i did kinda rubb tohard in the curcle area on the test.!!??
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:25 last edited by
They should have emailed you a confirmation number that you can then go to the website and login and see the actual result.
Here is the webpage to enter the confirmation number you did not recieve a confirmation number, email and request a duplicate of your confirmation number.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:27 last edited by
i did get a confermation # but i type it in and get nothing!, but maybe you can and get something?. # SU44T-FBDBJ!
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:28 last edited by
Or where on the site do i go to to get the resaults???.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:32 last edited by
I hope this isn't what I think it is. Who did you phone? Sorry, none of this makes sense to me.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:35 last edited by
what do u thank it is>?????!!!
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:42 last edited by
Give me a little time to check with some people and I will post when I get a response. Probably in a day or so.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 00:45 last edited by
thank u! i just went back on the site and put my confermation # in and it came up but it's saying that he's ?t risk".!.please get back to me saap. and thank soooooo much for every ones'help here!. i'll take to u in a day or to!.thks again.!
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 01:34 last edited by
Lisa, yourwonderful. I admire you so much!
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 02:36 last edited by
Pedro, I am sorry, I made a mistake. Again, I am sorry.
wrote on 24 Mar 2010, 02:41 last edited by
what do u mean a mistake ? on what???>