Hi! I am having a really hard time lately with my basenji boy.
I have two basenjis. One is 17 years old, one is about 6 years old.
The older one is really on his last leg, to be honest. He is incontinent, he wanders around in circles a lot, and does a lot of sleeping. He stares into corners. He falls into his food and water bowls at every meal… I am ok with all this - he's 17 years old, after all! Let him do whatever he wants, know what I mean? My hope is that he lasts as long as he lasts, and has a good home until his last days.
The problem is that the younger one, who really is the dominant of the pair, is starting to get snippy and growly. When younger b is in his little bed, and the old foggy comes wandering by, he will just growl and go for him! Completely inprovoked. Sometimes there is some food aggression. Often he will steal the senior's treats if he doesn't eat fast enough...
We have tried to get younger b out of the habit, but it's not working. We make him come to us and sit, behave, stay. But this is not working, and it's not right. I don't know why this is all happening all of a sudden.
To add another level of concern, I am 8 months pregnant with out first. I am terrified of younger B becoming a danger to the baby. I'd hate to have to rehome him - honestly, he's my first baby, and it would break both of our hearts to be separated.
We are trying to give the younger one the same amount of attention as before, since he probably can sense I am pregnant. We try to keep the routine the same. But there are of course some changes...
We asked our vet at his last check up 3 weeks ago. She says he's a very alpha dog (he has snapped at her during a shot). I am not happy with the lack of explanation, but at least it's not some medical change, as far as she thinks...
Anyway, any advice about this recent behavior change would be helpful.