A walk through the forrest
I can not tell you how much I have missed seeing your wonderful pictures…
Thank you for filling my needs.
The pictures are wonderful, amazing and yes funny too. The dogs look great in their coats (well in Tillo's coats ;)).When will Lycia go "home" ? I know that will probably be so hard for both of y'all and for Tillo even more so..
Lycia is allowed to enter GB after the 26th of February… And yes.. it will be hard to let her go.. It took some time for Tillo to really appreciate Lycia's company, but they are getting closer and closer. Now you can't look at one without seeing the other ;)
All those pictures are amazing, but that first one of them playing together to stay warm is precious on so many levels! :)
How wonderful you had her for so long. I'm sure Lycia's mom is dying to get her back as much as you, BF, and Tillo are wanting to keep her longer. Keep that little pink collar handy!! Tillo may need a new little sister soon:).
Yes, I know for sure Lauren can't wait to get Lycia back! And I know Lycia will be soooo happy to see her real mommy again! :)
I'm always waiting for new pics of you, too :D
Watched all the "old" ones on your website again last week… ;)Can I ask how tall Tillo and Lycia are?
There is not SO much difference between them, is there?Thanks for your nice post. Glad to hear you enjoy the pics so much :)
Tillo is.. I think… about 44 cm high. He weights 10 kilo at the moment. I don't know how high Lycia is, but she weights only 8 kilo.. So they have a two kilo difference ;)
Same as here :) Thabo 10.5 and Zuri 8.5
He is nearly 45cm and Zuri nearly 42 - but I don't see the 3cm so much :pCan you hope to get a puppy soon or will it take some time?
I just measured them for you :D Tillo is 44 cm and Lycia is 39 cm. When I first saw Lycia and lifted her, I was like :eek: Sooo tiny.. gg.. now I'm used to it and don't see it anymore..
Because I'm not sure when Lycia will leave.. I don't think it will be a puppy from this season. We'll have to wait :)
Your pictures are always so good - Tillo and Lycia seem a perfect pair- I'm sure they will miss each other when she has to leave. Have you ever considered creating a calendar of your pics? I'm sure it would sell - Tillo is such a perfect little model!
Your pictures are always so good - Tillo and Lycia seem a perfect pair- I'm sure they will miss each other when she has to leave. Have you ever considered creating a calendar of your pics? I'm sure it would sell - Tillo is such a perfect little model!
Thank you :) Someone from this forum (etzbseder) made a book last year with pics of Tillo in it. I also made a book with a selection of pics of his first year. (pics of it here: http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=5035 ) I'm now working on a book of his second year, but I've got too many pics to choose from :rolleyes: I'm working on 'June' at the moment..
If you're interested in a calender with Tillo on it, I'm more than willing to make one ;)
Awesome pictures! I went to Tillo's website and watched all of the videos! Time sure does fly when I get on this forum! Have a great weekend!