I think Tanza was just agreeing with a post I made about being careful leaving dogs in cars.. no one was attacking you or saying you were not careful or were wrong for doing it.. we were just saying, in general, there are risks involved with leaving a dog in the car unatteneded..
That was my exact interpretation. Adding caution to the wind…never hurt anyone. :) This is not an exclusive conversation - many people from all over the world at any given moment are viewing the forum - if they didn't take the time to read this thread beginning to end - blah - blah - iterating words of wisdom in the middle of any thread could save a life.
btw - I find advice about training is situational - every dog and every trainer has different styles. Hopefully when we get stumped with a training issue, this forum and members have different tried and true methods, various options are out there.
Thank you Jason for your time in sharing your thoughts and training methods that are working well for you. It's always good to have diversity and commonality.
ps - I don't want anyone else to feel left out with my appreciation - so a big thank you to others who've shared their important thoughts and training ideas here and elsewhere on this forum. You are all so very helpful.