Better Late than Never!
wrote on 29 Jan 2010, 01:26 last edited by
Here comes the brag for Kairoe's first year! We or should I say I was quite hesitant in handling him as I have no clue whatsoever what conformation entailed, but with help from Arlene, Robyn, Sue, everybody in the BCOC and youtube - it became manageable. And we can't discount the fact that Kairoe has been pretty cooperative in the ring, except for one time when he growled at a judge. We got the official certificate of his championship in the mail this week! Yay!
As I'm sure all of you understand.. there's a million pictures. I just chose a couple of photos in the ring in all the shows he was in. Enjoy!
wrote on 29 Jan 2010, 02:06 last edited by
Congrats.. that is really wonderful….
wrote on 29 Jan 2010, 04:59 last edited by
Again, Congrats to both you and Kai! From a rocky start (I think I'm going to throw up) to winning his Ch in less than 6 shows. Good work Clar and Emm. You deserved it for the time and effort you put forth.
wrote on 29 Jan 2010, 12:22 last edited by
Congrats! That's great!
wrote on 29 Jan 2010, 14:42 last edited by
Congratulations, great pics
Huge both deserve it..Kai is looking swell..
wrote on 31 Jan 2010, 00:44 last edited by
Again, Congrats to both you and Kai! From a rocky start (I think I'm going to throw up) to winning his Ch in less than 6 shows. Good work Clar and Emm. You deserved it for the time and effort you put forth.
Hahaha.. you're a lifesaver! I'm sure that'll be imbedded in your memory! Really looking forward to the Specialties now.
wrote on 31 Jan 2010, 00:46 last edited by
wrote on 31 Jan 2010, 08:31 last edited by
Congrats! Love the pics, Kairoe is handsome!
wrote on 1 Feb 2010, 12:30 last edited by