Better Late than Never!
Here comes the brag for Kairoe's first year! We or should I say I was quite hesitant in handling him as I have no clue whatsoever what conformation entailed, but with help from Arlene, Robyn, Sue, everybody in the BCOC and youtube - it became manageable. And we can't discount the fact that Kairoe has been pretty cooperative in the ring, except for one time when he growled at a judge. We got the official certificate of his championship in the mail this week! Yay!
As I'm sure all of you understand.. there's a million pictures. I just chose a couple of photos in the ring in all the shows he was in. Enjoy!
Congratulations, great pics
Huge both deserve it..Kai is looking swell..
Again, Congrats to both you and Kai! From a rocky start (I think I'm going to throw up) to winning his Ch in less than 6 shows. Good work Clar and Emm. You deserved it for the time and effort you put forth.
Hahaha.. you're a lifesaver! I'm sure that'll be imbedded in your memory! Really looking forward to the Specialties now.