I'm putting together a wish list for Cooper, and I've been thinking about training him to use a backpack for hikes or for fun around the house. He also walks the half mile to the post office with me every day, and now that I've usually got the baby in a front carrier for the trip, I sometimes run out of room to put the mail. It would be awesome if he could carry it home for me in a backpack. I think he'd like the idea of doing the extra work, too. Our walking route is boring!
We live in a little town and everyone stares at us anyway. Cooper's one of the few dogs in the area who gets walked regularly, plus he has that cute little basenji prance and wears sweatshirts when it's cold. So I'm not worried about getting funny looks for that.
I searched the threads for backpacks and saw a few pics, but no specific brands mentioned that work really well.
Any recommendations on brands and sizing for a 23 pounder?