Liver issues
well your good thoughts must of worked wonders. What we thought was fluid.. wasn't! it looks like he is just gaining weight :) 17 lbs 11oz! There could be SOME fluid but not enough for the vet to tap and the vet said his breathing and heart rate are fine. Were going back in two weeks for blood work again to see if somethings changing ! :) :)
well your good thoughts must of worked wonders. What we thought was fluid.. wasn't! it looks like he is just gaining weight :) 17 lbs 11oz! There could be SOME fluid but not enough for the vet to tap and the vet said his breathing and heart rate are fine. Were going back in two weeks for blood work again to see if somethings changing ! :) :)
What wonderful news…. Keep it up Rocky!!!! We are all pulling for you!!!
Heather, Dan and Rocky, i am pleased to hear your news, i read yesterdays post first and felt so sad, then i went on to read todays and what a surprise :)
I do hope things keep improving for you, every day is a bonus.