Westminster 2010 February 15 & 16th
I saw them at the 15 min mark walking down a hallway. They also showed Erin one or two other times in quick cutaways, once with another dog she handles and what looked like her hotel room full of all her dogs. They seemed to focus on the more popular breed contenders.
I have tickets for the Monday show. I'm so excited that I get to go! If anyone has any tips on transportation or anything I'd really like to hear them. I'm checking out the PATH train from Jersey City but don't know anything about how it works. Anybody have any suggestions?
I noticed 16 Basenjis had entered:
Anyone on the forum have their dog entered and how does one qualify to enter this show?
I noticed 16 Basenjis had entered:
Anyone on the forum have their dog entered and how does one qualify to enter this show?
They need to be AKC champions as there is only Best of Breed judging, the top 5 in breeding show standings get an automatic invite, any other with a finished AKC Champion can enter, but you need to be quick about it. Since there is a limit on the total number of entries they will except, usually it is filled within a few hours of entries being opened. Here is a link to the premium that has the entry details
http://www.infodog.com/prm/491/prm491.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks -
Breed results are up. Congrats to BOB, Blade, and all the other competitors. I hear the hound group is up first.
Handsome boy. Congratulations!!
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTvmlAjzPoQ/Sm-zRm-npWI/AAAAAAAAGG0/O-Fl65-fMhM/s320/Ch.+Ab-Rafiki+The+Icon+Of+Cool2.jpg -
Handsome boy. Congratulations!!
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTvmlAjzPoQ/Sm-zRm-npWI/AAAAAAAAGG0/O-Fl65-fMhM/s320/Ch.+Ab-Rafiki+The+Icon+Of+Cool2.jpgOoh, he is gorgeous!!
Big congrats to all of them, way to go Blade..
And just to plug the Westminster Kennel Club with reasons to go to a responsible breeder, from their website
Buy Dogs From A Breeder
The Westminster Kennel Club continues to firmly believe and advocate that the best source for a puppy or adult dog for your family will always be those responsible breeders who produce puppies with the goal of improving the health and physical traits of that breed. To accomplish that, responsible breeders continuously study their pedigrees and breeding stock, do health checks on all of their dogs involved, properly raise and socialize their puppies, and stand behind their puppies. Responsible breeders are proud of their dogs and participate in activities and organizations that further their knowledge of their breed and their dogs.
As we have for many years during our televised broadcast, The Westminster Kennel Club will continue to make the following announcement: "If you are planning to add a dog to your life and have come to look over the best of the best, please note, no dog you have seen here (yesterday or today) came from a pet shop, or was the 'product', if you will, of a puppy mill. If you want a dog, go to the people who care - the dedicated specialty breeders who have made dogs like those you see here - a lifetime effort. Talk dogs with dog people who care and understand."
Has anybody else spent all day refreshing the videos page online, in hopes of seeing the basenji breed? And is anybody else now frustrated because they're exhausted and really need to go to bed, but you keep staying up for "just 5 more minutes" in hopes it will be loaded by the time you brush your teeth, let the dogs out for the last potty break, etc?
Has anybody else spent all day refreshing the videos page online, in hopes of seeing the basenji breed? And is anybody else now frustrated because they're exhausted and really need to go to bed, but you keep staying up for "just 5 more minutes" in hopes it will be loaded by the time you brush your teeth, let the dogs out for the last potty break, etc?
Join the crowd. I'm just annoyed now.
Thanks for posting the results and the video to watch :)
I just want to ask a couple of questions from across the deep dark pond, if I may !!!
Down in the bottom right hand side of the page, it has the entries… I was wondering if those entries correspond to who the actual dog is, we are watching in the ring ??? It looks to me like there are more dogs than entries ???
Who was the Bl/Wh please ???
Last one... Just curious as to the awarding of the AOM. We dont have these down here in Aus at all. Are the 2 dogs that received this award, the 3rd and 4th best dogs, in this judges eye ??? Not as good as the 2 winners, but good enough to make special mention of them ??? I mean no rudeness in this question, I am just really curious about what it is all about :).
Its lovely to watch the video. Everyone talks about how different it is showing in America to the UK but i think it looks pretty similar actually, its just the placings that confuse me!
I just watched the pug judging video… WOW... Pugs are HUGE in america! Whats going on with that? Was not impressed with them at all...
I was impressed that the announcer added a disclaimer in his description of the breed this year. He used the normal description of it being the barkless dog, but caveated it by saying "this dog is not for everyone". Just as the novice hostess commented after the description "why wouldn't everyone want a barkless dog"?