Tom and Jerry pics
Here are a few pics of Tom and Jerry.
The first one is Jerry and is entitled " Does my bum look big in this ?", the second pic is Jerry again and the last Tom
Yes Lenora they're brothers, 13 years old, their sister lives next door, here's a pic of her. Our two are realy gentle natured wheras their sister is a bit feisty
Shelly she is pretty. A must say and this is not a bad thing are we ladies not usually a bit feisty.
Rita Jean
Yes Rita Jean i guess we are :D:D
You can tell she has attitude by her pose, can't you? -
Beautiful boys and yes, she does look feisty that sister of theirs..
Great pics. -
I love Tabbies. There's an old fable about that "M" mark on their foreheads…Baby Jesus was having a hard time settling down one time and wouldn't stop crying. A Tabby cat jumped into the manger with Him and purred Him to sleep. Mary was so grateful to the cat for helping her she placed her mark on its forehead forever and for all its descendants to wear.
My stepmom had a huge orange Tabby named Goldie when I was a punk kid that she had tamed down from having been feral. He was a pretty cool dude.
What a great story, i had never noticed the M's on their heads before. Thanks for telling me Belinda.
Tom is poorly again and not eating, this is the second time he's been ill since the vet removed hid broken tooth. It looks to me like there is some infection in the gum so probs off to the vets again. We will be bankrupt before christmas at this rate :(