I have Vanda's eye report from when her eyes were tested when she was about 6 weeks…
Number 1 pup, "has pupillary membranes which, in this dog, is too young to say if they are persistant, or not". That is the direct quote from her report. This eye specialist badly wanted to get her back for another eye test, in 4 weeks, when he believes she would be 'clear'. I am once again confuddled by this. The way I see it, she still has the pupillary membranes across both her eyes, so surely this report should read Minor PPM in both eyes, or something along those lines. The specialist wanted to give her the diagnosis of Pupillary Membranes, cos he doesnt believe they are persistant :(:(:(
I thought, (and please correct me if I am wrong...), that the disease PPM is called Persistant Pupillary Membrane because, these membranes should be completely gone in puppies by the time they are born ??? When Vanda was tested at approx 6 weeks, they are still there, no matter how little it is, so therefore her diagnosis is Minor PPM. I know that if I take her in for retesting, in a couple of months, she may be clear, but her diagnosis IS PPM... Yes, or No ???