I think I must be very lucky, cos my hubby basically lets me choose all the dogs names, ACD's and B's. I do sort of run the main contenders by him, but, if I really want it, and he doesnt like it, I just keep saying the name in every conversation, till he likes it ;););)
I wish you hadnt mentioned the name Veisha, (is it pronounced Veesha ???), cos I really like it
It wont be long till your boyfriend comes around to the gorgeous puppy breath, Im sure… How could anyone not...
So it actually sounds like I might get my little bundle of joy, before you, then :p:p I reckon thats you being punished for going up and seeing the bubba's !!! Seriously though, I think that would nearly kill me, having to wait longer than everyone else, knowing they have their pups and you have to wait a bit longer to bring him home :(:( I hope you dont have any long delays in the move in date...
It will probably take a while for you to feel comfortable in leaving Oden in the backyard, B or not. I always worry with new dogs coming here, that they will get out of our runs too. I still refuse to leave the property with the B's in the run. I will only leave my older, trusworthy ACD's. At the moment we also have a boarder, and I wont leave her out either... Couldnt live with myself if something happened, and there was no-body home...
I also did tons of reading, (still am...), researching, learning etc, etc, before Saba came here. I was told by someone, that you can read all you like in learning about the B's, but, you will only TRUELY learn about them, once they live with you... Oh how true these words were :D:D