@Saving Thanks so much for the information! I am researching further and continuing with her rehab exercises as best I can.
Glad you recovered from your spinal injuries.
dear friends, is there any way to know before using Advantix whether my Basenji might be allergic? should it be too risky can anybody kindly suggest a product that is effective? looking fwd to any suggestion and help, regards RB
I have used Advantix few times and I was allways satisfied. I am not sure If you can check allergic reaction….maybe take a drop on your dogs ear or somewhere when you can see the reaction after two days, but I don?t know if rest of pipet could stay few days opened.....
What kind of antiparasitic product did you use in past? -
If I were you I would try the Avantix in the morning of a day that you know that you are home to watch for reactions as well as a day when you know a veterinary is open/available. I have not used Advantix on any of my dogs, so I don't know how it works. We have them on Comfortis right now, it is pill they take and withing a few hours the fleas are dead on them and gone for a month. It is fairly new here in the States so I don't know if it available in Italy yet. The other ones that are "safe" is Frontline" and "Advantage", but again I don't know if you have them back in wonderful Italy. (Italy always was my favorite country in Europe, I am from Sweden).
Good Luck -
We used Frontline once only and got an allergic reaction from most of the Basenjis and one of the collies - that was several years ago and we've never used it since! I have no experience of the others you mention as I give mine garlic at risky times and they have no troubles with parasites. (We hardly ever have ticks in my part of the Uk). I try to avoid chemicals when I can.