I think it's just nice to tell my story
I just signed Buana in at a DNA fingerprint test, as he is a stud, lot of breeders ask for a DNA profile to see or to have a copy..
So within a few days, we receive a swab-test and then after 4 weeks he has is own official DNA fingerprint!
We already tested him for HD, theroid and eyes, his parents both are prob. clear for fanconi but we're thinking about testing both boys also for ourselfes..
And about a few weeks, we're going to plan all the health testing for Chafuko,
HD, Theroid, eyes, and DNA.
So i'm exciting about the results of my little Brindle baby..
If everything is good, he wil be available too but I think it's nice to know the results for ourselfe!
Our vet can't wait untill we're coming with our clan.. he is totally in love with the Basenji's…. (I worked there a longer time and even now he send his assistents away and let me assist even with the HD pics!! too cool)
We'll see! I'll keep you updated!:D