Maya's First Show
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 12:36 last edited by
Maya had her first show yesterday and she did really well.
She was second in the puppy class behind her litter sister. And also got 2nd in the Puppy Stakes class out of a HUGE entry so that was really good.
Her who family had a good day out, one brother won the Junior class and was 3rd in Junior Stakes, other brother won the puppy class and the Dog CC and best puppy. And her sister won the puppy class!
So successful day all round :D
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 13:59 last edited by
Well done Jess, they all looked very well - and all showed well considering what a miserable day it was!
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 15:11 last edited by
Sounds like Maya and her siblings did realy well, congratulations.
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 16:16 last edited by
Yeah! Congrats!!
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 19:36 last edited by
Congratulations! What a great day for you all.
wrote on 7 Jun 2009, 21:19 last edited by
Well done Maya,
Millie’s offspring are doing her proud!
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 04:34 last edited by
Yay Maya, and family!
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 11:22 last edited by
Thanks all! :)
I was really proud of Maya, she got herself so upset in the breed class i was just hoping she would settle in the stakes as it was in a much better ring, and she did. She was foot perfect in that so i cant ask for anymore!
Here's a video of the stakes:
And a couple of pics of her waiting around the ring.. Spoilt? My dog? NOOOO! :D
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 11:50 last edited by
Congrats Jes & Maya on a good outcome on your first outing! Cute pics and video…:D:D
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 12:24 last edited by
She's a cutie!! Congrats and continued good wishes for success!
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 13:58 last edited by
Well done Jess and Maya on your first show, especially the puppy stakes! It was lovely to actually meet her after following her photos and videos on the forums!
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 14:07 last edited by
Well done Jess and Maya on your first show, especially the puppy stakes! It was lovely to actually meet her after following her photos and videos on the forums!
Was lovely to see you again! I think Maya had more attention on Saturday than she ever has before in her life :D But she loved it all!
I think i got a couple of pictures of your boy in the open class, will send them to you via other forum :) He looked lovely!
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments and good wishes :)
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 14:19 last edited by
It was lovely to see you again too! but it was Mayas big day, it was a shame it was so cold especially as the day before was quite warm! If you have pictures of Rufus I would be grateful, I would be amazed as he is such a fidget!
wrote on 8 Jun 2009, 14:24 last edited by
I have just PM'd them to you on t'other forum :) They aren't great im afraid as the lighting was awful, and i didnt want to use the flash. Theres only a couple, but one nice one of him stood :)
It was just an awful first show for Maya. I love Southern Counties normally, but it was just miserable on saturday. I have to admit to pampering Maya somewhat at home so she was not overly impressed at being made to walk in all that mud and wet grass…!!!
wrote on 9 Jun 2009, 17:30 last edited by
I thought the pups all acquitted themselves very well considering the conditions, it's not as if the adult dogs were immaculate either, lots of huffing and puffing from handlers including yours truly!
wrote on 10 Jun 2009, 03:36 last edited by
She did good in the video. I loved the pictures
wrote on 10 Jun 2009, 21:29 last edited by
Maya looked great and you did really well. Thanks for recording the video, nice to see the action and not just pictures.
wrote on 11 Jun 2009, 01:03 last edited by
Great video… she looks good and typically "puppy"...gggg
One pointer for you, when trying to move her front legs on the table, move from the elbow instead of mid/lower leg... she is less likely to pull it away from you....
wrote on 11 Jun 2009, 03:11 last edited by
Loved the videos. Good job! That ring for breed seemed so small, it must have been hard to gait her around in there.
wrote on 11 Jun 2009, 07:55 last edited by
Great video… she looks good and typically "puppy"...gggg
One pointer for you, when trying to move her front legs on the table, move from the elbow instead of mid/lower leg... she is less likely to pull it away from you....
Thanks for that! Will try that next time :D
And yes the breed ring was tiny, and Maya (when she actually gets going) has such a long stride and trots out quite fast so it wasnt ideal. But better than being out in the rain :)
Thanks for all the nice comments.