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I have to place a great boy

Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • Ok I think I got the pictures attached!

    what a great day! thanks again!

  • Looks like one very HAPPY and BEAUTIFUL family. You all are great takes special people with good hearts to open there door as all of you have. Good luck to all of you and I have to say God Bless all of you.

    Rita Jean

  • thank you for the pictures. Knowing Ansel is going to have a family really makes me happy! You can call him anything you like. He also goes by doodle or punk. It looks like he is going to be super comfortable. I am happy. Baroooo

  • We will up date often , so check in!
    had a great nite and every one slept well. had a great breakfast. and a nice walk.

  • Wonderful family…let us know how it goes.
    Bless your heart for opening it to a basenji in need of a good home.

  • to be really honest, we are the lucky ones! :)

  • Please keep this post updated with pictures/stories often, i will be sure to continue checking! thank you!!!!

  • Jonny B,

    What a great ending and beginning for H-Ansel and your family. I am sure y'all will be very happy and content for many years to come.

  • On Tuesday, our first real day of SUMMER vacation, I let my son sleep in and took HAnsel for his morning "relief" walk and when we got home, My son was coming out the garage with jonny b., and HAnsel ran right up to Riley and said " heellllooooo" . It surprised us both so much we just stared at each other and laughed. When my son told his dad, he just kinda when " huh". Tonite HAnsel said helloo to my husband. Blew him away. He didnt really believe us, but boy now he does. it was soooo cute. We are having so much fun with the "boys".
    Sarah, the door got here today. Thanks!!

  • @jonny:

    HAnsel ran right up to Riley and said " heellllooooo" . It surprised us both so much we just stared at each other and laughed. When my son told his dad, he just kinda when " huh". Tonite HAnsel said helloo to my husband. Blew him away.

    Doesn't surprise me a bit. He was always encouraged when he spoke, and he can get some pretty cool sounds. He usually yawns in the morning too. He will also do the yawn if he doesn't want to do something you tell him to do, but will do it anyway. Just his interesting way, I guess. I am glad you are getting to see his personality. Has your husband taken him for a ride yet? It was the way I always could bring him into stores, so he ended up loving it. I got it from seeing some photos of Africans carrying their b's like that.

    Thanks for keeping the updates going!


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