Let's stay on topic and please keep it civil. Bashing other members and posting personal emails is not allowed here.
This is a forum for the discussion of Basenjis, not a dueling society. If you feel attacked, please report it to the admin and then ignore the poster. The moderator will take care of the situation. Remember, however much you were provoked, if you attack a poster personally then you are just as guilty of breaking the rules.
And that the sires and dams are DNA for parentage with AKC so that the pup you get can be proven to be of the parents listed on the papers.
So Pat Fragassi of Tanza Basenjis what you are saying is that the sire and dam you list on your AKC papers is not the actual sire and dam to the puppies you place on these AKC papers? Why would you do this? Would you not be kicked out of AKC for doing this? Everyone with a puppy should DNA it to find out who it's parents are as it appears some Basenji club breeders might not be putting down the right parents right? Again, why would you do this?
No, what she is saying is that buyers should look for parents that have AKC DNA profiles so they can verify independently by doing their own DNA profile and requesting and AKC DNA certified pedigree that their puppy really is from the parents stated on the papers.
oh, dah, it just hit me: you put down that the parents are from champion _____, when the pups really are not from that champion at all but some unknown dog! Still would you not get in trouble with the kennel club for that?
I can see the idea here, your champion female would not get saggy and fat…Why would you not just be truthful and say who the correct parents are though? Is it really that big of a deal?
If you are going to take the time, effort and money to register the litter wouldn't you be honest enough to list the right parents?
So Pat Fragassi of Tanza Basenjis what you are saying is that the sire and dam you list on your AKC papers is not the actual sire and dam to the puppies you place on these AKC papers? Why would you do this? Would you not be kicked out of AKC for doing this? Everyone with a puppy should DNA it to find out who it's parents are as it appears some Basenji club breeders might not be putting down the right parents right? Again, why would you do this?
Give me a break, that is not what I said, I said that people wanting a puppy should not only check OFA for health testing, but that the Sire and Dam are DNA'ed also to verify parentage. Did I make any reference to myself? I think not and in fact, I didn't even make any reference to you…
oh, dah, it just hit me: you put down that the parents are from champion _____, when the pups really are not from that champion at all but some unknown dog! Still would you not get in trouble with the kennel club for that?
I can see the idea here, your champion female would not get saggy and fat…Why would you not just be truthful and say who the correct parents are though? Is it really that big of a deal?
If you are going to take the time, effort and money to register the litter wouldn't you be honest enough to list the right parents?
Seems to me like you know more about all the things you "could" do then I could ever come up with???
And that the sires and dams are DNA for parentage with AKC so that the pup you get can be proven to be of the parents listed on the papers.
Seems to me like you know more about all the things you "could" do then I could ever come up with???
If that were the case all puppies would be from your champion dogs! Oh wait, yours are though are they not?
Or at least your paperwork says they are, hmmm now I wonder. -
And that the sires and dams are DNA for parentage with AKC so that the pup you get can be proven to be of the parents listed on the papers.
In your post you said (shown above) What I was asking was why would any breeder fib about who the pups parents are? What is to be gained? And why would anyone actually do that?
If that were the case all puppies would be from your champion dogs! Oh wait, yours are though are they not?
Or at least your paperwork says they are, hmmm now I wonder.Yes, puppies that I have bred or co-bred with the exception of one parent from one litter are from Champion Parents with DNA profiles with AKC. Easy enough to check, as the offspring has been DNA also, proving that their parents are their parents as listed.
This thread has gone completely off topic. Twice we have had to come in and moderate. This thread became an attack on other forum members/breeders which Basenji Forums does NOT allow.
Please refrain from doing so, otherwise this thread will be closed. If it continues the forum will remove members who are violating the rules.