Booger Update: Snot a tumor
So maybe its all of the well wishes & good vibes & prayers everybody's sending out, but the last few days have shown a steady improvement in Booger. I have not yet had a chance to speak with the doctor as we keep missing one another's calls. We ended the full week of antibiotics Thursday night, and I stopped using fabric softener sheets about a week ago. I rewashed my bedding without fabric softener. Saturday Booger was pretty much his recent usual self, sleeping & sneezing. Yesterday, however, Booger seemed a bit better. He was a little perkier than he's recently been. Today, Booger is almost his old self. He is still a bit snotty & tired, but he chased the cat some, played with Lola a bit, paced around out of boredom, and even sat down with a good bone to chew on until Lola snatched it away.
We're not out of the woods, but I'm daring to hope just a little that maybe this problem will go away. Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers. Its such a great feeling to see him finally feeling a bit better. -
Glad to hear it…still sending good vibes and thoughts your way. Keep us updated...